EP: “Blowing A Fuse” by Self Abuse

October 1, 2019 Off By Jon
Self Abuse

Two weeks ago Bournemouth’s elder statesmen of our local Punk scene Self Abuse released their first EP for quite a while, along with an instore promo gig at Wimborne’s Square Records. We at RR towers awaited our review copy and I am now tasked with writing something positive about it – which shouldn’t be too difficult.

Opening with the title track, “Blowing A Fuse” has a swirling guitar entrance and some fierce hitting. The snarly echo in the vocal just gets darker as the song grows, never letting up (hence, Blowing a Fuse)! It’s a classic two-minute Punk epic that leaves you just begging for more.

“Lies, Lies, Lies” thumping drum intro is snare heavy while the vocal here is more coherent, yet slightly tongue in cheek. The bass throbs away in the background, while the vocal is slightly muffled in places. The clangy guitars and bass fight for control of the bridge before that catchy chorus kicks back in.

“Under Attack” is not new to me, having heard it recently in the live arena. It’s a pure Punk belter of a song – the chorus adopting the muffled nature of its predecessor (in the chorus). The hitting in the bridge is a clever twist and at under two minutes is definitely one for the end of set at gigs.

Self Abuse

“Dark” by nature is exactly that. It has an undertone of sweaty, basement Goth/Rock clubs on a cold Friday night. There’s a certain menace in the vocal and a haunting mix of instrumentation. The clicky beats and subtle chimes in the bridge set the mood, while it clearly takes influence from the mid-80’s; an era where Self Abuse was at the forefront (locally).

Considering the longevity of this band; and the three-quarters original line-up, it is refreshing to hear an act pushing the boundaries and not just sitting still. It would be far too easy to just bang out four raging third wave thrashers, but maturity would seem to have fired their ambition as these four songs prove. Age is no barrier to original songwriting and good musicianship. Clearly the production skills and overall influence of one Mike Kelly (The Mission) have not gone to waste, as these four songs will attest to. And if it’s another ten years before their next release, it’ll be worth the wait. Somehow I feel it will be sooner.

Track Listing
Blowing a Fuse
Lies, Lies, Lies
Under Attack

Band Members
Andy Nazer – Vocals / Bass
Dave Brown – Guitar / Vocals
Jarvis Smale – Guitar
Dom Upchuck – Drums



Review by Ross A. Ferrone.