EP: “Dreary Boy” by Nory-J
August 30, 2024
South Coast artist Nory-J “aka” Jack Spooner returns with his Sophomore 5 track EP “Dreary Boy”. The recordings include two previously released singles featuring collaborations with local artists Jordan Digby of Soulhole and Melrose “aka” Melissa Rose.
As well a being a fine musician, Jack is a social storyteller; providing within his works of art life experiences that deal with change, life observations and one that we have all felt from time to time feeling lethargic.
This EP is the culmination of some of Jack’s best work to date – he is never happy to just sit on his hands; he is always a very positive chap, looking forward and improving on past experiences. You will never meet a more proactive artist, one who is always looking at the next angle to deliver and promote his music.
The opening track is “Bite The Bullet” featuring Jordan Digby of Dorset band Soulhole. The two musicians originally met at a Hangover Hill Live & Unheard gig at the Lighthouse Poole. They found they had plenty of common musical interests and it was clearly only a matter of time before a collaboration happened. Jordan previously added his skills to the fine Nory-J track “Irrelevant, Benevolent” last year.
The song has a really smooth, chilled vibe with some special instrumentation that really has the Summer feelgood factor flowing through it. Jordan and Jack’s rich harmonious vocals combine beautifully together, along with the infectious percussion. The strong message to all that is given out during it is one of remaining positive and keeping your head up.
“Apology” is another collaboration with fellow Dorset singer/songwriter Melissa Rose “aka” Melrose. The song is loosely based around the story of the award-winning film “La La Land” and paints the picture of two the star-crossed scholars who fail to survive due to their own personal journeys. Once again this artist shows the envelope being pushed further with the Dream/Pop landscape being populated with atmospheric guitar, created by using an E-bow. You’ll also hear wailing synths and a glockenspiel to drive home and touch the heartstrings of Sebastian and Mia’s love story.

Track Three “The Time” is a brand new composition that has a more energetic feel to delving into the Indie/Pop side of the musical spectrum. The song takes on the subject of missing friends when living away from home. It’s bright and has a radio friendly feel to it with notable electrotonic rhythm patterns, along with subtle guitar and Jack’s fine vocal delivery.
Next up is “Words”, a more emotive piece that digs into Jack’s own personal story of living with a chronic auto-immune condition that makes him feel that his life is on a time-limit. Anyone who has to deal with a condition such as this on a day to day basis knows there is no let-up, it’s always there whatever you are doing. Jack deals with it in a mature, positive and dignified way; living his life to the full, not letting it get in the way of his life goals. He believes that the creation of his songs are his lasting legacy.
The track features an effect-fed reverbed vocal that put together with stirring instrumentation has a dreamy; shoegazey, psychedelic type of feel it, with the lyrics capturing his thoughts wonderfully. A fine legacy indeed, whatever his future holds.
For the final number we take a soulful direction with “Welcome to Europa”, a track that was one of the first songs that Jack ever wrote. It explores Jack visiting an old love interest with the experience being and feeling a bit strange as the lyrics explain. This track shows the bitterness that comes from youth and expectations that let you down in a painful way. The track shows maturity and more frustration rather than anger over the situation. It’s a fine song and once again he nails the instrumentation with some great textures to set the tone to the subject matter.
A fine collection of tracks brought together within this compact collection, one that shows an artist coming of age and producing some unique original music with no compromise and using his creative abilities in a successful way.
Track Listing
Bite The Bullet (with Jordan Digby of Soulhole)
Apology (with Melrose “aka” Melissa Rose)
The Time
Welcome To Europa
Words by David Chinery (Chinners)