Single: “Bad Woman’ by SOS
December 4, 2023
For the third release this year from Dorset Quartet “SOS” (formmerly Sainst Of Sin) the band have taken to dressing in drag. With the Christmas party season now upon us, the lads have spent some of their hard earned cash on some dresses with matching accessories. Rumours going around are that a couple of them had raided their girlfriends wardrobes in search of some desginer labels and borrowed some items of make-up.
The guys has been exploring their feminine side in celebration of their new single “Bad Woman”, the third in a series of new releases which also included “With U” and “Maryjane”. Another rumour doing the rounds is that the front cover of the new single is actually JV, who shaved his legs and donned a pair of stockings just for the photo shoot; the automatic rifle in hand is a little worrying though. I’ll let you make your own mind up about that by viewing the single artwork below!!
The quartet have taken a fair bit of criticism from their fan base of late about the direction of their new material, which is a far cry from where the band originally started. They are keen to express themselves and take in many modern inflences, from a wide spectrum of music. I think these days it can be seen as too safe just following the rigid Rock genres, exploring diferent blends is how music evoles and creates new tastes; where would we be without pioneers in music. The new track features Sparxx’s unique style heavy Rock guitar, coupled with R’n’B flavours with some old school directives from Justin Timberlake and Bruno Mars. JV’s notably commanding vocal is backed by some decent haromines, along with some cleverly created rhythms.
There are a lot of modern bands out there full of experimentation like Don Broco, Hot Milk and Bad Omens; SOS keep their eye on the prize and with firecrackers like this, maybe just maybe their dreams might be fulfilled.

SOS are
JV – Joshua Vaughan – Vocals
Josh Rose – Drums
Marcus “Sparxx” Jenkins – Guitar
Ash Jenkins – Bass
Words & Media by David Chinery (Chinners).

Wow! Love this write up. Their new material is brilliant – different yes but still with great riffs, and musical hooks that just get stuck in your head! SOS are musically brave, they push barriers, they try new sounds and approaches. They are constantly growing and evolving. That’s what makes them interesting. And through all their changes, they’ve kept their sense of fun, they get on that stage and they entertain with performances full of energy and passion. That’s not changed. What’s more they are still the same approachable, kind, funny, down to earth guys they’ve always been, a band who always has time for their audience. And that’s something that will never change.