Electric 6/Us/Clams
December 4, 2023O2 Academy, Bournemouth
It’s Monday night and one night after attending a frankly most disappointing Ocean Colour Scene gig we return hoping for better fare. Electric 6 are in town celebrating the big (20th) Anniversary of their “Fire” album, and fan faves. We also get the privilege of a local, fast rising support and a tour support new to my ears.
Opening tonight are none other than rising stars “Clams”. No strangers to this stage, this sextet recently supported Reef and were comfortable holding court with the big boys. Once again, they own the stage playing to decent numbers and early arrivees, friends and family. They open confidently with “Worn and Torn”, loud yet audible. Their deep, down, dirty rock ‘n roll warms this Monday night crowd up early. “Come Back Home” continues in similar fashion as they breeze their way into their set. “Blueline Boogie” is more of a laid-back number, like a studio jam but with no less intensity. “Get Out of My Tree” remains their set highlight for me as it takes the tempo up a notch, and some; it’s a fuller, faster sound with every instrument filling their wall of sound. “Blinded by the Light” stays in the same vein with the keys coming to the fore and making themselves heard above everything else.
They depart us on “Say What You Like” with a big, noodly bridge and huge drums – just when we think the song is over, they reprise it a little longer. The confidence within Clams is only rising, as demonstrated tonight – they just need that one big tour support to take them to the next level. I am sure it’s not far away…
A quick glance at the Merch Stand reveals that there are indeed two supports tonight. All the way from Finland come “Us (official)” with their Garage/Rock n’ Roll leanings. No setlist was used as the band all take their cue from the lead vocalist. They remind me of a cross between The Ramones and The Hives with their main influence being Garage/Punk. Their delivery is fast with choppy guitars, heavy drumming, and a rare staple these days – the harmonica. The harmonica player indeed steals the show with his all-round shapeshifting, energy, and dance moves!!! “Just My Situation” is a set highlight with its clicky chords, while keeping the power high throughout. I’m not so sure about the entire band taking a bow after every song, but they are certainly unique.
There are elements of Indie/Art Rock about them, they all sport fine heads of hair and are immaculately tailored for the gig! And while Us as a moniker is not the most inventive name for a band, their live show will leave you wanting more. This quintet is quirky yet tight and well worth checking out. I look forward to hearing more from them in the not to distant future.
And so, to our headliners. Now, I won’t admit to being a huge fan; I only listened to Fire on the day of the gig but I was impressed. I remember the buzz they created when they first came on the scene some 20+ years ago. So, I’m here, open minded to see if they can measure up to the hype. Early doors the omens aren’t great with a poor sound and largely muffled vocal. Dick (lead vocals) has a strange way of introducing the songs – “this song is number one”, “this song is number two” and so on. I can’t claim I know any of the songs in Set One, in fact they are all new to me. And sadly, the sound just doesn’t improve. Dick tries hard to engage with this audience with the odd wise crack and minimal banter, but it all seems a little contrived.
Finally, with “Panic! Panic!” and penultimate track “Dance Epidemic” the band seem to somehow let loose and up the ante as the sound issues all but evaporate and their confidence grows. They end the first set with “I Buy The Drugs” whereupon Dick says, ‘we’re going backstage for a short break before coming back for set two’ and promptly imitates himself shooting up!
Thankfully, the sound is much improved for Set Two. So, Fire in chronological order. “Dance Commander” sets the mood and the crowd start to energise a little. ‘Electric Demons in Love’ follows as they gently build the set. Dick does a quick band introduction, and the hilarious ‘Naked Pictures (of Your Mother)’ follows, replete with Dick’s hand movements and gyrating! “Danger! High Voltage” is the first “biggie” of the night which sees this audience in fine voice, it’s a classic and has aged well. “She’s White” is a set highlight for me and Dick really shrieks the chorus but “Gay Bar” I guess is what we’re all waiting for? And we aren’t disappointed. Herb (rhythm guitar) teases us; tickling the chords in a slow fashion, before striking the opening chords and the crowd goes wild down the front. The rather apt ‘Nuclear War (on the Dance Floor) soon follows as the dancers stay energetic.
I’m not sure if the “Getting Into the Jam” is a reference to Weller and co. but is equally enjoyable as we near the end of Set Two. A cover is thrown in in the shape of The Dirty Shame’s “Vengeance and Fashion”. Again, it’s new to my ears but no less enjoyable. Penultimate track “I’m The Bomb” sees them really hit their stride with confidence flowing through the band and they depart us on “Synthesizer” where Dick for the last time really bellows out the chorus. At bang on eleven the band depart us, but this crowd are baying for more with the now familiar chant of “one more song”. The 11pm curfew is ignored and the band return for a one song encore of “Hello! I See You”. It’s a fine end to a show of two halves. The band take a bow and we retreat happy.
Electric Six2
1st Set
Down at McDonnelzzz
Bride of the Devil
Five Clowns
The New Shampoo
Dirty Ball
Hot Numbers on the Telephone
Window of Time
Night Vision
Future is in the Future
(Who The Hell Just) Call My Phone?
Panic! Panic!
Dance Epidemic
I Buy The Drugs
2nd Set
Dance Commander
Electric Demons (In Love)
Naked Pictures (of Your Mother)
Danger! High Voltage
She’s White
I Invented The Night
Improper Dancing
Gay Bar
Nuclear War (On the Dance Floor}
Getting Into the Jam
Vengeance and Fashion (The Dirty Shame cover)
I’m The Bomb
Hello! I See You
Us (official)
no setlist was used!
Worn and Torn
Come Back Home
Blueline Boogie
Get Out of My Tree
Blinded By The Light
Say What You Like
Words & Media by Ross A. Ferrone