Single: “Prose” by Tarraska
November 24, 2021
South Coast-based Rock band Tarraska featuring Jack Lande (Vocals/Guitar) and Ben Parker (Guitars) have been back in the Absolute Music Studios in Bournemouth, with the help of top-rated drummer Allan Varnfield (The Longest Day/Wasted Generation/The Generations). Together they have created a brand new song entitled “Prose”, which is due for release on 3rd December. This is the third single from the duo that shows the band exploring and clearly believing in their own extensive abilities. The song is a big emotive ballad with a full atmospheric Rock sound, with lyrically reflective moments while the sound boasts lullaby-like qualities and waltz rhythm. It features some sublime guitar work and shows a direction from the band that you might not expect. The song has many emotive, heart on the sleeve moments where Jack delivers a powerful stirring vocal from this maturely written track with some all-encompassing lyrics. It’s clear that the family network that these boys hail from has not only given them firm but flexible guidance, so much so that the two of them show their appreciation for the direction that it has taken them.

Commenting on Prose vocalist Jack Lande says, “the lyrics for ‘Prose’ were written to honour the many, many influences; artistic and familial, that have helped shape both my lifelong love for my art and who I am as a person. Of course; for me personally, the lyrics refer to music, story, and poetry as these are the mediums I resonate most strongly with; though for others it may be dance, painting or any number of other pursuits. I, therefore, see “Prose” as I hope others will too, as a love song not for any one person; but for the ideas and emotions that so many have been able to express only through their dedication to, and love for their craft.”
Working with Gareth Matthews at the extensively refurbished studios at Absolute Music, lead guitarist Ben Parker explains: “We knew the arrangement of ‘Prose’ was going to command our utmost attention, it was a delicate balance between a waltz and a Rock ballad. Through its metamorphosis, in the studio, the song unfolds from its acoustic roots to a powerful, yet melodic ballad that hopefully captures you within its numerous dynamic shifts. We are really excited about the resultant track and are elated that it’s already scheduled for airplay before its release.”
PROSE -Lyrics
The songs and the stories of childhood,
Made me who I am today,
And if I could thank you then I would,
For lighting the path that I take,
Expression committed to page,
Your numinous prose,
The verse and the line,
The depths of your mind,
Slowly composed,
For you at the time,
But the meaning implied,
Spoke to my soul,
And taught me to hope,
To love and to hold,
A powerful message of justice,
Or an eloquent verse for just one,
Through them I came to know what love is,
To find courage when I had none,
And who would’ve showed me how,
Your numinous prose,
The verse and the line,
The depths of your mind,
Slowly composed,
For you at the time,
But the meaning implied,
Spoke to my soul,
And taught me to hope,
To love and to hold,
Your numinous prose,
The verse and the line,
The depths of your mind,
Slowly composed,
For you at the time,
But the meaning implied,
Spoke to my soul,
And taught me to hope,
To love and to hold,
Your, luminous, ruminous, numerous, beautiful moments,
Inscribed all your rage, your lust and your pain,
The words that you wrote,
You spilled on the page, the works that you made,
Found me waiting,
The stories you told, by stanza and note.
Tarraska single “Prose” will be available to stream and purchase on December 3rd 2021, with the band returning in 2022 with their full debut album and subsequent live shows.
Tarraska are
Jack Lande – Vocals and guitar
Ben Parker – Lead and other guitars
(“Prose” features a performance by Allan Varnfield – Drums)
Words by David Chinery (Chinners)