Kid Klumsy/Meat Sweats
October 10, 2021The Four Horsemen, Bournemouth
Today is a special day, today (Sunday 10th October] would’ve been Faren (Fazza) Short’s 62nd Birthday. He would’ve been here stood next to me, rocking from side to side as he did at another local Punk gig as we often did. I’m sure he was with us in spirit. Today saw two bands, on a small stage; ripping it up on a school night. It would appear that has put paid to half a possible sell-out crowd. Those of us hardy souls however are treated to yet another great local gig.
Opening up are local faves Meat Sweats. Jim (lead vox/guitar) is sporting a new barnet, giving him added menace! Huddled on this tiny stage they get down to business. Opening with “Good For Nothing” they set the mood early doors. “Do It” follows as Jim finds his range. “Don’t Talk About Love” comes next and at the end Kim (bass) pays tribute to first; Rock-Regeneration and then Faren, leading us all in a Happy Birthday singalong – to say it was emotional is an understatement. Jim appears to be having “pedal trouble” during “Selfie” but carries on regardless, while “Being Watched” brings us back up to speed. “Social Media” is mild by their standards but their now popular take on Buzzcocks “Boredom” hits a new level this evening, on power and speed alone – just brilliant. They end on a new track to my ears “Distract”. Needs a bit of polish (IMO) but they leave on a high after another great performance.
A quick turnaround means we don’t have to wait long for those fun-Punksters from the Midlands. And where better than to start with a song about “Boobs”! Early sound issues pepper the first three songs but all is good when they play newie “Revolution”. Weab (vox) is his usual playful self, bantering with anyone who cares to answer while insulting others randomly! Despite the sound improving it only seems to be getting louder. Twin guitars in a basement club gives it that whole wall of sound as noticed on “Mr. Rightman” while Fatwig’s drum ferocity intensifies. New song “Coconut” is debuted – “we all like coconuts don’t we”? Yes, Weab we do!
Set highlight “Grow Up” is terrific tonight before “Bully…” Another newie comes in the form of “Media” where Matt (guitar) goes walkies into the crowd. This room is tiny so he soon returns to the stage. Weab reprimands a couple of punters for talking over him, but it’s all in jest. They depart us on “Little Boy Thursday” but remain onstage for the encore. Another live fave “Sugar” gets the Klumsy treatment before they depart us on “Knowledge”.
One has to hand it to this quintet; a four-hour journey to play a free gig, with hand-picked support. Kim (Meat Sweats) brings round a “tips cup” (and I’m reliably informed) their petrol costs were covered. Well, it may have been a school night but we were out of the venue before 11pm. No excuses people; when in Lockdown everyone was crying out for gigs and when a free one comes along, barely 50 people show up.
Meat Sweats
Good For Nothing
Do It
Don’t Talk About Love
Being Watched
Winding Bigots Up on Social Media
Boredom (Buzzcocks cover)
Kid Klumsy
Love is a Battery Field
Don’t Count on Me
Mr. Rightman
Grow Up
Bully, Bullied the Bully
Little Boy Thursday
Words by Ross A Ferrone
Pictures by Matthew Rayner