Single: “Mad Machine” by Callow Youth
August 3, 2021
Hailing from that proverbial hotbed of great music that is Manchester, we welcome another in a long line of Yoof(sic) bands Callow Youth. While taking a break from their studies these four young chaps have stumbled across a great collective formula and come up with yet another stellar offering in the form of new single “Mad Machine”. Tom (lead guitar) leads with some clangy chimes as Alfie (vox/guitar) builds layers with a solid vocal. Connor (drums) snare subtlety in the background holds the main beat before those shimmering chords and clicky basslines (Nathan) come to the fore, that reminds me of some of those late 80’s Indie pioneers that arrived pre-Madchester. The searing guitars wholly compliment the powerfully delivered lyrics and while I won’t sight any one band as a reference, there’s nowt wrong with plundering the past for one’s influences. Connor’s drum power really comes to the fore latterly as those chiming chords in the bridge once more make themselves heard. And the ending is wonderful as it just fades into a haze of effects.

CALLOW YOUTH “Mad Machine” is out now on Golden Robot Records.
Band members
Alfie Turner – Vox/Guitar
Tom Hilton – Lead/B. Vox
Nathan Wrigley – Bass/B. Vox
Connor Wilkinson – Drums/B. Vox
Review by Ross A. Ferrone.