News: Goggle Rocks from Hangover Hill TV
July 6, 2020
For a couple of years, Dorset music entrepreneur Matt Black, Director of Hangover Hill Ltd, Piano player/Comedian creator of local music platform ‘Live & Unheard’ and owner of Hangover Hill Recording Studio, has been broadcasting his weekly radio show ‘Black On Track’ which has become something well supported by people who appreciate great local and national music. Recently he went into business with a partner who was interested in TV streaming and from this Hangover Hill TV channel has emerged. The station kicked off with its first show “OriGenaros” which features local legend Si Genaro presenting a show, featuring some great original music from around the world. I was asked to come up with my own show – I have had experience for many years on local radio station Hope FM, however, TV is altogether a different proposition. The Covid-19 pandemic situation has certainly created a large hole in my life with all my regular gigs and music festivals cancelled until further notice.
After hastily borrowing some equipment from Rock Regeneration’s Jon Musselwhite (Thank You so much Jon!!) I took Matt up on his offer and came up with the name “Goggle Rocks”. The first show features some great video footage from some of my favourite artists: Jinder, Cherry Morris, Saints of Sin, Sirpico and many more. The second episode pre-production is currently underway and I am so excited for you all to see what I have in store. Matt says he wants to keep his feet on the ground with this channel – think MTV (as it used to be before the music disappeared and the crap reality shows started) meets Radio Caroline. In the face of adversity, opportunity rises!
Watch the ‘Goggle Rocks’ episodes Online here.
If you want to submit a video to be considered for broadcast on ‘Goggle Rocks’ please Chinners.
Watch the Goggle Rocks Episodes Below: