Single: “Football In The Sun” by SV And The Eruptions

June 26, 2020 Off By Jon
Spunk Volcano And The Eruptions

Those Burton on Trent funsters are at it again and back with arguably their best single to date. “Football In The Sun” sees them return with a song echoing memories of sunny day kickabouts in the park with your mates, without a care in the world – “jumpers for goalposts anyone”? A winding, clicky bass intro becomes the song’s main focus throughout. It’s a crowd-pleaser invoking a smile on my face as I write. Rhyming throughout it dispenses with the speedball pace of their usual output, in favour of a more mature yet polished delivery. An infectious chorus strains briefly to make its point, the snare-driven beat in the engine room keeps a regular pace while the guitars noodle latterly. Story-telling lyrics remind you of those sun-soaked Summer days, nominating which player you were gonna be that day! The Panda Pops and Wagon Wheels line will resonate with those of a certain vintage – not to mention a certain Argentinian starlet, who gets a place in the song’s title.

Spunk Volcano And The Eruptions

If I say it once I’ll say it again, it never ceases to amaze me what they come up with. Never a band to sit still, rarely repetitious and always looking to advance. The man’s (SV) memory bank is a hive of lyrical wonderment, any accusations after the ‘Double Bastard’ album of these guys being just Motorhead copyists will evaporate after just one listen of this epic release. We all need a little cheer right now in these difficult times and hearing this song should have us digging out that old leather football, acting like kids and letting go on that dusty old pitch.

Spunk Volcano And The Eruptions

On a side note, we have a certain Mr. Weab and his band Kid Klumsy set to release a new single soon. Could this be a battle of the Midlands “fun Punksters” to rival the Britpop heavyweight clash of Blur and Oasis in the Nineties? Well, maybe not but you get the picture! Anyway, I defy anyone not to like this wonderful single. “3 Lions” it ain’t, “Summer In The Sun” it most certainly is!!

SV and the Eruptions are
Lead Vox – S V
Drums/vox – Maff Fazzo
Bass/vox – Joey Strange
Guitar – Tom G Force
Guitar – Scott Bones


Review by Ross A. Ferrone.