EP: “Alpha” by One Word
September 9, 2017
“So this band’s EP is called Alpha, and their name is One Word. Nice, right?”
“Yeah, it is.. but which word?”
“One Word. Which one?”
I’ve had this conversation far too many times than I’d like to admit, let me tell you.
However; terrible jokes aside, on to the music. Today’s review is of the debut EP known as Alpha, by Parley based four-piece One Word. Recorded at their own home studio; it comprises of five tracks of self proclaimed Pop/Rock, and it’s these five tracks they’ve asked we look through today for all you readers. So, let’s jump in with a song by song take on Alpha.
Get Out Of My Head
The opening tune of Alpha begins with the strutting, confident swing of Get Out Of My Head. Vocalist Jon wastes no time in giving his lines an old-school swagger to them, reinforcing the general attitude around this introduction track. Get Out Of My Head is a song that serves as a punchy; no-holds-barred greeting from the band to the listeners, saying “Hey; check this out, this is what we do.”
The chorus of “life’s complicated, so overrated” is catchy. There’s some impressive solo work by guitarist Max and the general feel of track 1 is certainly one that’s sure to get hands clapping, feet moving and people singing should you see it in person. In short-it’s catchy, powerful and a great way to start.
It’s Not Love (It’s Just Habit)
A personal favourite of mine; song two, It’s Not Love (It’s Just Habit) starts off with a fast-paced; multi layered harmony, before dropping straight into a frantic verse that’s more than a bit reminiscent of the Kaiser Chiefs. Already One Word have their own personal sound continuing on from Get Out Of My Head, with the attitude and catchy melodies still ever-present. Now if you take a closer listen (or check out the lyric booklet); you’ll realise that It’s Not Love is a modern break-up song, for want of a better phrase-something you may not expect considering the pace and power you hear at the outset.

Jon sings regarding never being left alone, being followed around and “making my life a living hell”. Heavy topics indeed; with the final point being driven home just before the solo, with a small text message sample punctuated with a set of expletives. Ever had a more than high maintenance partner who couldn’t give you a moment just to hear yourself think? Then It’s Not Love will be right up your street.
One Word continue to impress through their debut so far with two solid, enjoyable jams under their belt already. Even more impressive when you consider the members have an approximate average age of 18, with the album as mentioned being made in a HOME studio. Onto number 3.
How Should I Know?
The low rumble of bassist Dom starts off this punchy tune, How Should I Know?.
Song 3 of Alpha has power to it; the stop-start riff of the verse giving guts to this simpler, heavier tune that’s sure to be a favourite come their shows. Something that’s especially noteworthy is the absolute head-banger of an outro that they’ve cooked up, an extension of the main guitar part that carries that little bit extra weight to make you want to bang your head in appreciation. Personally; it’s a good one for blasting in the car, and that right there is the mark of a good song. However; if you really can’t wait for it live, the boys do have a Facebook page with a video up already of it, with another soon to follow.
More Than A Line
Song four already? Shame, means that this is almost over. It’s been an enjoyable experience so far, with enough high paced Pop/Rock to satisfy anyone looking for an enjoyable experience.
More Than A Line takes it down a notch, being the slightly more sentimental counterpart to It’s Not Love from earlier on. It’s a softer, crooning love song with enough genuine emotion behind it in lines such as “I am nothing without her” that it makes you wonder if Jon is actually doing alright? Song’s kinda mellow man, you feeling okay?
Now; not to say this is a sour note at all, far from it; it’s a lovely change of pace and doesn’t clash with the previous songs at all. Bonus points from me go to the pleasant instrumental break at the end, a solid footnote in a very nice and well put together ballad.
Against The Grain
And finally; the last song on Alpha, Against The Grain. Starting out with a pleasant flowing guitar motif; before jumping right into a waltzing verse, it’s a great exhibit of the individual musical talents of each member. Then the first verse finishes and Against The Grain picks up the pace when it transitions into a fast-paced, aggressive punk tune; a welcome contrast to the subdued feel of the introduction. The last song of Alpha is a great final showcase of everything the boys behind the music have; and definitely feels like a solid set closer, and a great impression to leave on any audience.

Overall; Alpha is a strong, well put together introduction to One Word. Considering as well that the average age of the members is sitting around 18, it just makes the musicianship of the EP that much more impressive. It’s enjoyable, catchy party Rock music, a genre I never thought I’d hear again after 2011; but that’s the best way to describe it. You want some great tunes to sing and dance to? One Word have got you. I’m excited to see where they go from here.
Like the sound of all this? Well, you can see One Word at their debut EP launch night at Sound Circus in Bournemouth on the 22nd of September, where you’ll be able to get yourself a copy of Alpha too! They will be supported by both Mikey Ball and Constellation, and playing a set of their own originals and a few covers here and there. Tell yourself, tell your friends, tell your mother, whoever; should be an entertaining and great night for live music in Bournemouth.

One Word are
Max Harris : Guitar
Ed Harris : Drums
Jonathan Lindop: Vocals
Dom Griffiths : Bass
Alpha Artwork by
Julia Viana
The rest of the words were done by Michael Masters.