Bournemouth Punx Picnic – Day 2
September 23, 2017Anvil, Bournemouth

…and so I return, late again and miss openers Trickster. Luckily I’ve seen them a few times and they’ll forgive me. I venture downstairs to catch a band new to me. Bournemouth’s Zipheads are a 3 piece Punkabilly trio with a double bass. A prominent feature one might think on such a small stage, but equally matched by the huge snare-driven drumming. They are fast and powerful almost throughout, notably on “Rampage”. A great cover of the Soul classic “Get Ready” follows and immediately I’m thinking how much they would be suited to a dusty field at Wonky Donk, kicking up a stink! (Forgive me if they’ve already graced this festival). All in all a great vocal and musical performance and a band I might just keep my eye out for. They depart to another show where I’m sure they will make a few new friends and fans.
3 Fingers are up next; noisy, amusing and fast in equal measure. The vocals (Dan) are decent enough, when not drowned by the loud and powerful drumming from Ryan. Give these guys their due; it’s one slow song, one fast. There’s a good mix of songs with thumping basslines from Sam; although the vocals are a tad Pub/Punk in places, but never dull. I must give a mention to tonight’s attire – bassist Sam is wearing a fetching dress, while I do believe the others may have followed suit. Anyway, another first for me and not out of place on today’s line-up.
My new favourite band are up next. With a busier live schedule this year “Meat Sweats” have upped their game. I miss their first two songs due to an early dinner taken next door in Subway, but return in time to catch the catchy (sic) “Do It”. These guys aren’t hanging around tonight, Jim (guitar/vox) emphasises the timescale and talks fast before launching straight into the next song. “Selfie” is delivered nonchalantly today; the opening bars, in fact, remind me of the Sex Pistols take on “Steppin’ Stone”, while “Psycho” is delivered with extra gusto. This is Jim’s strongest vocal performance yet for me while Kim (bass) to his left looks deep in concentration. They end on two regular covers; ‘Boredom’ (Buzzcocks) and their heaviest rendition yet of the Department S classic “Is Vic There”. Paul’s snare-driven drums are a prominent feature in what has been a very tight set, tonight I feel they are on another level. With minutes left they are afforded a one song encore and we are rewarded with “You’re Being Watched”, which I suppose has a certain irony!
Missile are up next and louder than ever. “Gutter”, “My Celebration” and unsurprisingly Missile all feature in a now sturdy set, complimented tonight by a couple of newie’s yet to make it onto disc. There’s a certain snarl in Paul’s (guitar/lead vox) voice tonight, matched by a thumping bass from Harv (bass/vox). Keeping the beat in the engine room is the ever powerful and precise Martin (drums). “Fat Cat” is brash and loud and it’s great to see Missile at last playing to a nearly full room. It’s long overdue and I’m sure they have won a few new fans tonight. Sales of merch seem to back this up. On and up for this band methinks.
No strangers to the local scene, veterans” Self Abuse take to the stage. This 3rd wave Punk band just get on stage and do what they do best. It’s another set culled from their extensive back catalogue and there’s no half measures here. There’s even a few songs even I don’t recognise! ‘Celebrity Death Squad’ is an early highlight and of course Andy (guitar/vox) loves to introduce “The Hit” (Soldier). For once I’m left disappointed when they don’t play the brilliant “State of Mind”, but “Tube Disasters” kinda makes up for it. A Self Abuse show is never dull and tonight is no exception. They leave to great applause and I head for the bar.
“Dub Righters” are up next and are quite literally deafening – it’s Dub alright but pitched way too loud. The snare is huge but their songs do nothing for me and they lose me after just two songs. Musicianship isn’t in doubt here, it’s just more a case of me not enjoying their set. Apologies guys.
An early morning appointment means me catching the last bus home so I only catch one song from headliners Kill the Colossi before making a dash for it. Shame really as Tyrone (guitar/vox) is emigrating soon and I hope I haven’t missed their last show? Anyway; Saturday proved to be the better of the two days for me but all in all, another great weekend of music on the Punk calendar.
Review by Ross A. Ferrone.