Peeping Toms/Meat Sweats

May 20, 2017 Off By Jon

Chaplin’s Cellar Bar

Peeping Toms

It’s Saturday evening down the Cellar and Lymington’s finest are in town. The early numbers aren’t too promising, but with a wealth of other live events on the same night all over Dorset it’s to be expected. An unfeasibly extensive sound check means the briefest of checks for openers Meat Sweats, who unperturbed just get up on stage around 9.45. The audience has grown a little more as these guys press on with their set. It’s pretty much the same fare as the previous fortnight ago, however, tonight lacks a bit of intensity. Jim’s trademark vocal hits the spot as per usual, and we get the almost expectant banter as well; notably preceding their version of Dept S’s “Is Vic There”. Jim asks “anyone here called Vic? Rick? Nick? Dick?…” Well this song’s for you! “Do It” is another highlight in an otherwise great set. “Psycho” is anything but, while “Social Media” is current and ironic in equal measure. However, they hit the heights once again with their brilliant take on the Buzzcocks “Boredom” – every show they do it always sounds different while keeping the intensity and direct delivery. Such a shame that tonight they aren’t playing to a full house whose energy they could feed off of. I have no complaints, I just feel tonight’s performance was somewhat flat.

Meat Sweats
Meat Sweats 123

At bang on 11pm Peeping Toms take to the stage. After such a long sound check I’m expecting a note-perfect sound, and I’m not disappointed. Opening with “Feel like a Million Dong” they make a real statement. Shaun (vox), eyes popping out amidst the anger in his voice is singing as if his life were dependant on it. There’s venom in that vocal and it never subsides. Old favourites are scattered in amongst newie’s tonight like the frenetic “Big Nose”. It’s anthemic, its singalong and it could raise the roof! “Cyberman” precedes the storytelling woe of “She’s not Like That”, before they debut a newbie on us. “Payback” has all the Punk attitude and aggression required and is a good addition to the set. However, one of the newer songs (to me) really hits the spot – “Pampas Grass” – and we all know what that’s about don’t we kids?! If not, google it! I’m guessing it takes its lyrical content from stories of Lymington life and gossip down the pub. Either that or a wonderful piece of fiction. “Sunday Stripper” stays in a similar ballpark and keeps that whole Glam/Punk stomp that is so apparent in the bulk of tonight’s set. “Brainless” is anything but while “Attention Seeking Missile” is as Punk as you like; hard and fast with a strong drumbeat from “Spike” nestled in at the back. “You Wanna Hope She Don’t” is as humorous as it can be-I’m amazed Shaun (vox) keeps a straight face, I’m grinning from ear to ear!

Peeping Toms
Peeping Toms 123

There’s no official encore but they end as per normal with the excellent “Hero”, rewritten chorus ‘n’ all Peeping Toms stylie! Its fast, it’s furious and it says everything about this band a no holds barred Glam/Punk band with a sense of humour, but with the songs to back it all up. Anyone hoping for a Cropdusters revisits on the encore would be disappointed. These guys have found their sound, (their niche if you like), and perfected it over the last couple of years. With a few more local dates added and some mainline support slots they can’t be too far from attaining that all important Punk Festival slot. What sets the “Toms” apart from the crowd is the Glam slant, which makes them unique enough to stand out. Having watched their trajectory from close quarters I can safely say this is their time – it is up to them to take the baton and run with it.

Peeping Toms
Feel Like A Million Dong
Big Nose
She’s Not Like That
Payback (brand new song)
Vulcan Hardware
Pampas Grass
Sunday Stripper
Attention- Seeking Missile
You Wanna Hope She Don’t
Hero (Enrique Iglesias cover)



Words by Ross A. Ferrone
Pictures & Videos by Dave Chinery (Chinners)