EP: “plunge” by Kilkovec
February 19, 2017
Hampshire based Kilkovec are set to make waves this year with Plunge. With the undersea theme on the cover this south coast trio have a solid alternative rock feel. That is not adverse to a bit of “pop-rock” sensibility just to keep you hooked as your foot taps or your heads nods along.
With an eponymous intro track, you are soon hit with “Change” and it hooks you right in. There is a rawness to the sound, almost bleak, and the vocals pull at you. The rock sound vibe sits comfortably aside from the general rock offerings, planting this in the alt/rock category (should you feel the need to pigeon hole). Having established the alt/rock vibe, “Just Get Better” swings back to a more rock vibe, with its infectious tempo and rhythm.

With an obvious nod to the cover, “40,000 Leagues” has a strong rolling feel, while the lyrics cry out about self-reflection as the guitars work their magic in your ears.
“Constructive Criticism” is another short piece, a filler/intermission, before the slight curve ball of “Go On”, where the vocals take on a completely different feel (dual vocalists in this instance?). With a strong rhythm track “Go On” envelops you buy going left field with the vocals!
Closing proceedings is the punchy “Here’s to You”, it is a fitting close to the EP, blending the guitar work with drums in equal measure.
We’ve said it before round here at RR, the pop-rock/punk-rock scene is populated with a vast array of artists. It’s not an easy pool to stand out in. Kilkovec manage to stand their ground, ticking the right boxes (strong vocals, great tunes, all hanging together just right), and maintaining their individuality. Here’s to 2017 for you!!!

Line Up
Daniel Wilson: Vocals/Guitar
Matt Stroud: Bass/Vocals
Tom Longwater: Drums
Track Listing
Just Get Better
Somerset Cottage
40,000 Leagues and Counting
Constructive Criticism
Go On
Here’s To You