Anti-Nowhere League
November 19, 2016Mr Kyps, Poole

Winter’s here and what now seems like an annual event, the Anti-Nowhere League are in town.
Around 10.10 “The League” take to the stage. In the past they would always have opened with “We Are The League”, but tonight it’s “For You”. “At The End of The Day” follows but this Kyp’s crowd are somewhat muted tonight-barely a flicker on the dancefloor compared with last year. “Break The Law” sets us up nicely for “I Hate People” which gets a few punters in the pit and some movement at last. An echo-laden vocal compliments “Skull ‘n’ Bones” before Animal (vox) introduces the first track from their latest LP “The Cage”. “Last Cowboys” is dedicated to Punks, Bikers and all the “tribes”; and well received before he pays tribute to Punk legend, one Charlie Harper on the fantastic “Uncle Charlie”. Animal gives us a poignant reminder that they ain’t throwing the towel in just yet on “We Will Survive” – band longevity not an issue with the ANL.
The band take their first break of the evening as Tommy (guitar) solo’s “As Good As It Gets”, which is simply great. This now fervent crowd who have been calling from the start; get their wish with “So What”, and respond accordingly. Animal as per usual acts out the song in his customary fashion, as he does on follow-up song “Snowman”. This part of the set celebrates their debut LP with “Can’t Stand Rock ‘n’ Roll” keeping the punters (and moshers) happy. “We Will Not Remember You” is the perfect prelude to “Let The Country Feed You”, allowing Animal another side-swipe at those in Government and authority. He then delivers an electrically-charged “Woman” before going on to thank and embrace the “small venue” and Kyp’s in particular-encouraging us one and all to support the small venues. With another well-known music outpost set to close its doors this week we are reminded of the fate of these most important of venues. Animal is then at pains to explain how the people wrongly judged them for their version of “Streets of London”. He sings with his trademark angry; spit and bile delivery, and they take the plaudits before leaving the stage.
A short break sees the band return; starting off with the brilliant “Pig Iron”, Animal this time really growling the chorus with menace! “Burn ’em All” quickly follows before new live regular “God Bless Alcohol” sees one eager punter take over (additional) vocals from Tommy (guitar). In fact, he seems very at ease on this stage tonight; it’s his 2nd foray into the limelight. Normally this song sees their roadie bring out some booze for each band member-I’ll assume they necked it all pre-gig! They exit stage right and seemingly for good. Yet, a few punters shout for more and Sammy (drums) leads the encouragement. Once more the band return for an energetic “Fucked Up and Wasted”, which would be understandable as they’ve now been onstage well over an hour! Before their final track Animal thanks the venue, the staff and the punters for coming in good numbers. Once again he reiterates the need to support live music and the lack of any “music” of substance coming through. We collectively scorn the rise of X Factor culture and celebrate keeping it real. Animal then says “in case anybody doesn’t know who we are-We Are, The League” and that folks, is where they end.
Proof if ever it were needed that this town still has a thriving Punk scene. People again; like last week for the UK Subs, came out in good numbers to see these Punk legends. No doubt they will be back again next year and we’ll do it all again. In Punk’s official 40th Anniversary year it’s good to see one of its stellar performers still flying the flag. 2016 and beyond, Punk will be around for many a year yet. Let’s support the scene, it’s our scene!
Set Lists
Anti-Nowhere League
For You
At The End of The Day
Let’s Break the Law
I Hate People
Skull ‘n’ Bones
The Last Cowboys
Uncle Charlie
We Will Survive
As Good As It Gets
So What
I Can’t Stand Rock ‘n’ Roll
We Will Not Remember You
Let the Country Feed You
Streets of London
1st encore
Pig Iron
Burn ‘Em All
God Bless Alcohol
2nd encore
Fucked Up ‘n’ Wasted
We Are, the League