EP: “More To Life” by Eight Days

October 28, 2016 Off By Jon
Eight Days

Opening with some acoustic guitar; a little discordant but intriguing, it draws you in. The bass adds depth, then after about 20 seconds the electric guitar kicks in. The adrenaline starts pumping; the rhythm suckers you in, and then Ben’s vocals smack you round the chops. A direct punch in the face, an uncompromising raw screaming energy.

These London-based punk rockers pump out a powerfully raw, uncompromising energy. Musically; after the bombastic opening, things ease up a little, comparatively speaking. The vocals still scream out, and irrespective of the lyrics just want to tear you a new one. “Unclear” opens up just as energetic; the rhythm and tempo don’t let up yet still drag you in, as Ben punctures your consciousness with “I Won’t Give Up”.

Eight Days

Closing with “Walls” you cannot help but feel a sigh of relief. The end is nigh, you can take rest from the onslaught! The EP will try its best to beat you into submission, one mosh-pit you may not come back from!

This is one hell of an EP; powerful, loud, and will take no prisoners. 13 minutes of sheer energy. If you like it loud check it out. This is a powerhouse of addictive melodic hardcore.

Line Up
Ben Brazier – Guitars/Vocals
Lewis Fife – Drums
James Carty – Bass

Track Listing
Was It All Worth It


Words by Jon.