EP: “Werecats” by Werecats
September 16, 2016
One of the great things about going to Rebellion Festival 2016 (or any year for that matter), is discovering new bands. This year we were spoilt with the Rebellion “Introducing” stage running on all 4 days. And on day one, among many new bands I discovered London quartet Werecats. This band comprise an equal part membership of 4 other bands, forming one evening over like-minded musical tastes and ideas. This EP came into my hands ‘post set’ and really rather great it is too.
“Birds” opens with chunky guitars before the happy-go-lucky vocals kick in. Immediately Indie also-rans Shonen Knife come to mind (that’ll be the vocal of Pip then)! Clangy chords soon kick in over some big hitting with an equally chunky bass sitting neatly in the background.
“Astbury” is an ode to the Castle, (not The Cult frontman) as I initially thought. It starts faster than its predecessor with fast drumming and guitars to match. It’s a humourous little ditty about said castle and the band’s love for it and no doubt spending many a day (or night) down there.
“Zombie” is a slower, more low tempo song about zombies popping up everywhere – in handbags, fashion mags (great use of rhyme)!
“Boyfriend” is probably the strongest track here, and but for the swearing near the end would have single potential written all over it. It’s a clever song that contradicts itself lyrically over a chugging beat. The clanging guitars and dual vocals work well also. After the middle-8 the song really kicks into life-it (appears) to be a song about the narrators’ love and equal hate for their boyfriend. It’s poppy, bouncy and in yer face.

As I said to a fellow reviewer post-festival, Werecats remind me of a Shonen Knife/History of Apple Pie mash-up. For me that kinda sums them up. Happy-go-lucky Punk/Pop songs with loads of energy. This EP may have been released some 2 years ago, but for newer fans like myself it’s a great starting point.
Review by Ross A. Ferrone.