CD: “The Great Unknown” by Damn Dice
September 23, 2015
I had a hard time believing that the music of Damn Dice would translate well on to vinyl (yes, vinyl. You know – those black, shiny, round things called records that are making a massive come back). Basically, Damn Dice are very much a live band; I saw them at the Barfly for Camden Rocks Festival and they blew me away. Massively energetic, charismatic, talented and pretty much just a blast of fun, which normally means that when a band comes to record, they’re going to be crap. I was SO wrong.
“The Great Unknown” is a debut album; a follow up to the London five piece’s first EP, “Wild N Ready|. However, this is no limp-wristed, tame excuse for a first effort; we are talking 12 tracks of balls-out, blistering rock, perhaps with a tiny bit of camp thrown in for good measure. It’s got it all – falsetto vocals, insane drums, tasty riffs, pinch harmonics worthy of Zakk Wylde and a little bit of cheese keeping the whole sandwich together.
First track “Power” sets the scene with an intro that would be worthy of a Linkin’ Park song. Then the double bass drum kicks in along with some catchy hooks and some decidedly 80’s vocals, not to mention a cheeky harmonic or two. I’m not kidding – this song stuck in my head for about three days after I’d listened to it a couple of times, so it’s a perfect opener.

The anthemic “What Now” has a very passable guitar solo slap bang in the middle and again, it’s a catchy little tune that will take up residence in your brain and refuse to leave.
Third track “Driven” is also a belter of a song, with some interesting vocals … In fact it’s worth noting that, aside from Alex with lead pipe duties, all of the other band members sing backing vocals, even Fransoa on drums. This makes for some clever harmonies.
Other stand out tracks for me include “Down”, “Caught In The Ride”, “Words”, “Bang Your Head”… oh, hang on, that’s pretty much all of them, then!
This is a pretty much an honest album; what you see is what you get. Yes, it has overtones of some ‘classic’ rock from some of our finer decades gone by. But don’t be fooled into thinking that Damn Dice are some kind of second rate, wannabe band. Oh no. With a style and attitude that screams “unique”, this band stand out from the mire of generic crap that is so prevalent in the scene at the moment. DD are igniting a path of flames up that metal highway and they aren’t going to stop for anyone that gets in their way. But if you ask nicely, they might just take you along for the ride …
Gig alert – The Camden Barfly, 25th September, Jubilee Rocks Club Night
Track Listing
What Now
The Way To Go
Caught in the Ride
Bang Your Head
No Fear
Take The Fight
Rock (Like You Mean It)
Line Up
Alex – Lead vocals
Wallis – Lead guitar/backing vocals
Diego – Rhythm guitar/backing vocals
Marco – Bass guitar/backing vocals
Fransoa – Drums/backing vocals
Words by Vikkie Richmond.