EP: “Scars” By Kodiak Jack

August 5, 2015 Off By Jon
Kodiak Jack

There is one thing you can count on, and that is the distinct and punchy sound of Kodiak Jack. A favourite around here, and for good reason. This Portsmouth band had success with their second album “Alhambra”, and have won the Best Band category at the Portsmouth Guild Awards; not to mention a clutch of live shows that have held them in good stead.

What better way to capitalise on this than to keep working? And these boys have been hard at it. With a single due for release very soon (actually, tomorrow as I write this, so already out by the time you read this!), and the “Scars” EP due out in August.

So those very nice people over at Angry Badger sent us a copy. Does it deliver? Is it what we have come to expect and love from Kodiak Jack? Yes and Yes!

For fans of Kodiak Jack there will be no real surprises, they have maintained that high standard – tight sound, great rhythms and melodies. They have kept true to their own brand of hard Rock, mixing those killer riffs and melodies.

Kodiak Jack

For those of you who have not heard any Kodiak Jack, then shame on you! But, no better time to get acquainted with them. This 4 track EP is packed with catchy foot-tapping tracks, that will soon get your head nodding away. Opening with “Only The Good” the riffs hit you, just as Bryn’s vocals take centre stage. They are distinctive and go a long way in forming the Kodiak Jack sound. It is a catchy tune with the rhythm keeping the guitars in check. The drums set the tempo, and the guitars follow suit with power that just carries you along. What an opening to the EP!
Next up is the title track – “Scars” hits that sweet spot; nice and catchy, great guitar work and enough energy and attitude to keep you rocking. The guitars open the track, soon joined by Keiran’s drums, then stripped back for the vocals. This all bubbles up to a chorus that will no doubt be picked up by fans in a live setting. While not as punchy as the opening track, it is trademark Kodiak Jack and shows off their capabilities to a tee.

“Sirens” takes on a slightly different feel, taking a more Rock vibe and is a slightly heavier track; but delivers and seems to mellow into the melody at the end of the chorus. This track evolves into one of the strongest on the EP.

“All I Want” is a more laid-back affair, with the guitars picking out a gentle melody during those quieter sections. Then as the Chorus kicks in Bryn’s vocals crank up and the band follow suit, giving the perfect backdrop. The guitar solos show off their ability to not only pen a tune, but deliver it.

Kodiak Jack

There is a quality that runs through all their material – you can just tell a Kodiak Jack track. This doesn’t mean they are all the same or lack variance, but there is a persistent quality that they keep improving. Judging by the strength of this EP we eagerly await the next album!

Line Up
Bryn – Vocals
Jeff – Lead Guitar
Jon – Rhythm Guitar/Lead Guitar/Vocals/General Modesty
Kev – Bass
Keiran – Drums

Track Listing
Only The Good
All I Want

Words by Jon.