The Strypes/Raglans
May 12, 2015Mr Kyps, Poole

It’s Tuesday night at Mr. Kyps and there’s a queue already just to get in. With a certain youthful “Cavan” band in town it’s billed as a show not to be missed. Once inside a large, sold out crowd young and old; await The Strypes. Barely 20 minutes in, tonight’s support take to the stage unannounced. Raglans stride onstage and begins woah, woah, woah-ing almost immediately. This young crowd respond with energy down the front. This 4-piece go all out to get the crowd onside early, which they do! I don’t want to be hyper critical but 4 pretty boys playing Indie/Rock/Folk is quite a sight to behold-the singer even looks like Craig Bellamy!! Their style is bouncy, happy, 80’s-influenced Indie to this reviewer’s ears. I’m even hearing a Big Country influence, most notably in the searing guitar chords. Con (drums) hits the skins with power and energy as this crowd lap it up. Their final tune echoes (for those of a certain age) King Trigger’s “The River”. Every inch of the stage is used and they leave an indelible impression on most people here. While I may be in the minority in not being “blown away”, I cannot criticise them in any way. They have talent and huge energy, and a clutch of decent songs. With youth on their side and time to grow I fully expect Raglans to be adorning the front covers of some notable music weeklies very shortly. Only time will tell but I wish them well.
And so to the headliners. With an appearance some 2 yrs ago in Bournemouth it’s time to see if The Strypes have used their time well? They take to the stage with a swagger not seen around these parts for a while. They are accompanied by “Dirty Old Town” as their backing track before commencing the show. Ross (lead vox) is sporting dark shades and looks menacing as he grabs the mic and opens with “What A Shame”. If anyone thought Raglans were out to make a statement, then they’ve just been trumped by the headliners! Power, energy, swagger, shapeshifting-they put it all out there! The Strypes have done their homework! Pete (bass) is patrolling the stage a’la Wilco Johnson, while Evan (drums) has clearly borrowed his Fathers old Clash videos and studied Topper Headon. ‘Hometown Girls’ is energetically received as the pit down the front suddenly goes crazy. Josh (lead guitar) announces that they will be playing some new songs among their set tonight. The early part of tonight’s show demonstrates what made this band what they are-R’n’R and R&B with energy, which they have in abundance. I can’t decide whether Ross has studied Liam (Gallagher) or Ian McCulloch (Bunnymen), such are his mannerisms. Either way his vocals are right on the money.
About half way into their set I notice a distinct change of tempo that echoes bands like Arctic Monkeys and Kasabian. The Rock ‘n’ Roll is ditched temporarily as they welcome a more guitar-led Indie sound. The anthemic “Scumbag City” is dedicated to Raglans with a wry smile, while the band stay with the power. Looking around me at this mixed-aged audience there really is something for everyone. The simply excellent “Blue Collar Jane” returns to the Rock ‘n’ Roll stylings of the start as they continue to impress. Two more songs mark the end of the initial set before they are warmly welcomed back for an encore.
“Kick Out The Jams” is well received before they end with a truly manic version of Bo Diddley’s “You Cant Judge A Book By The Cover”. The crowd go wild one more time and that as they say is that. A truly remarkable show by a band so young, one feels it’s time for them to make the next step up. Larger venues I’m sure await The Strypes – I just hope they don’t do a “Symposium” and “burn out” too early. However, if tonights show is anything to go by their trajectory can only be rising.
Set List
Intro “Dirty Old Town” The Pogues
What a Shame
Hometown Girls
Now She’s Gone
Best Man
What the People Don’t See
Cruel Brunette
I’m The Man
I Don’t Want to Know
Three Streets
Queen Of The Half Crown
Get Into It
Scumbag City
Mystery Man
Blue Collar Jane
Still Gonna Drive You Home
I Need To Be Your Only
Kick Out The Jams
You Can’t Judge a Book by the Cover
(Bo Diddley cover)
Review By Ross A Ferrone
Pictures & Videos by Dave Chinery(Chinners)