EP: “Wires / Iron / Blood” by Death Kindly Waits For Me
May 25, 2015
From the pained vocals, almost bordering on spoken word delivery “Cutting Room Floor” opens “Wires / Iron / Blood” their debut EP with a punch. Blending some easily accessible elements, harmonies and melodies, all off set by a hardcore sensibility. Leading to an interesting blend which at times seems like it could easily be stretched into cinematic rock. “Best Friends Just Don’t Do That” is a faster paced track opening with speedier vocal which allows that hardcore element to bubble through as the gutteral vocals push through off setting the cleaner vocals. Even with the increased tempo there is something all most relaxing about some of the guitar work as it washes over you, the obvious reference is the break just after half way through, but even at it’s most energetic there is something calm, held back.
Closing this EP is “Decade Of War” possibly the strongest track on the album, and one that shows their talents off. Its dynamic nature is just spot on showcasing their capabilities. It does not have the venom of “Best Friends”, but is just as powerful.
This is an interesting debut, one you cannot fault on their ability – with a sound that sites deftly between a number of genres it would be interesting to see how they would pull this off in an album where you potentially another 7 tracks. The EP seems short, and plays quick, but it is not short on content, coming in at about 12 minutes. And in this time the hook the listener in, and doesn’t let go. On the first listen I did not think it would get many plays, but as I revisited the EP i found something new almost each time, and it is definitely one that grows on you. One of the opening lyrics is “don’t be scared” – don’t be, if you fancy a bit of post-hardcore give these guys a go.
Line Up
Adam Fitch – Vocals
Max Freeston – Guitar/Vocals
Adam Cator – Bass/Screams
Josh Miller – Drums
Track Listing
Cutting Room Floor
Best Friends Just Don’t Do That
Decades Of War
Words by Jon.