CD: “Satyagraha” by Kinesis 4
May 15, 2015
This is an interesting album from Southampton Trio Kinesis 4, with a folky come indie vibe to the vocal, the album blends a summery vibe with some good solid rock guitar.
Starting with the cover I was expecting something very folky and laidback (desperately trying not to use the word “Hippy”), yet when you hit the play button the music totally betrays the stylings of the cover. Always like to be surprised!
Opening “Come With Me” you have a great opening to the impending Spring (okay it rained last night!), but that airy vibe is perfect, as the vocals ring out “Come with me, take My hand”, you cannot help but think of either beach or forest walks.
“All I Need” changes tone and direction as the electric guitar hits you, soon followed by the drums. This one betrays the gentle opening track, as the guitar riffs hook you in (not forgetting some noodling about halfway through just to give it that metal vibe), and the tempo picks away at you as you nod and sway in time.
The rock vibe continues with “The Word Is Out”, although the vocals are a little more laid back, almost in line with “Come With Me”. All the while the music carries you the lyrics on this one start to become rather poignant.
“City Girl” has a solid guitar lick opening up the track that provides a solid back drop. The vocal delivery is punchy and works well with the tracks rhythm. While “Whiskey Lips” has that “Heartbreak Station” (Cinderella) vibe to the guitar work, as the slide works it way to chirping backdrop of the Cicadas. Now I am a bit of a sucker for Southern Blues, but no expert, but as the piano kicks in, and the guitars open up the track hits a sweet spot. Not to mention this is no short track weighing in at about 7 minutes.
“Jingophile” Opening with a sci-fi’esque collection of abstract noises the guitar warbles starts to pierce through. This track leans more to the music than lyrics, and flows really nicely. While “Get It Together” returns to a lighter vibe, and half way through things really slow up, giving the chance to pause for thought, as the keyboards usher back in the tempo and guitar work.

“Feel Alright” is a gentle track that shows the softer side of Kinesis 4, and tells the story of someone wanting to get off the journey they are on. The bass line provides the rhythm as the drums gently support the track. Whatever the predicament this track no doubt reflects a situation everyone has been in at one point or another.
Closing the album is “The Enlightened”, and with some guitar picking and a riff that almost made me think “Sweet Home Alabama”, we have another 7 minute track. This is bright uplifting track that is entirely instrumental, and one that you could easily drive down the road to with window open on nice warm summers day.
Mixing up a number of genres, one thing that stands out is the quality of the guitar work, be it the rock/metal vibe, or the more summery aspects – throw in the indie and blues elements and you do almost get an eclectic package, but one that works as these differing genres coalesce into a predominantly guitar driven body of work.
I cannot really fault the album, and have played it more than a few times, but my only criticism (always at least one!) is that at times the vocals do not match the power of the music when it cranks up, and on a couple of occasions seem a little lost. Maybe this is just a mastering thing? Either way, this album is well worth checking out.
Line Up/
Opkar – Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals
Satpal – Bass, Guitar, Vocals
Gregorio – Drums
Track Listing
Come With Me
All I need
The Word Is Out
City Girl
Whiskey Lips
Get It Together
Feel Alright
The Enlightened
Words by Jon.