EP: “Forever” by Kodah

April 24, 2015 Off By Jon

Southampton/Portsmouth Alt/Rock(ers) Kodah have a debut single out and we at Rock-Regeneration.co.uk are rather excited! This South Coast 4 piece have delivered a monumental debut with this stunning track.

“Forever” is a sublimely huge slab of Grunge/Rock at its finest. Taking obvious hints from Grunge hierarchy it mostly resembles Manchester’s finest exponents of this genre, Nine Black Alps. The almost military-esque chords that open the song are matched only by the huge drums that follow. The way they ‘stretch’ the chords yet keep the power amid the sometimes inaudible vocals is impressive. This is a band who I feel have raided their (respective) Father’s cd collections for inspiration and stopped at the Grunge section! The song is fast and frenetic throughout and despite the vocals sounding a tad out of tune towards the end it somehow still works. The drumming becomes more intricate right until the end also. I hope Kodah haven’t peaked too early because this really is a fine debut. Definitely ones to watch. We shall see…..


Band Members
Matt – guitars/vox
Mark – guitars/B-vox
Sam – bass
Scott – drums


Review by Ross A. Ferrone