CD: “All Things Known and Buried” by Left For Red

April 23, 2015 Off By Jon
Left For Red

Building on their strong EP releases Left For Red are set to release their debut album this month and it’s a blinder of a release. Featuring some hefty guitar riffs and strong rhythm, this is all set against LC’s distinctive vocals.

All the tracks carry a punch and almost hark back to some classic hard Rock, as the drums punch out and the guitars work their magic.

Opening proper, with “Master of the Game” the album hits you with its mighty guitar work, and easily accessible medlodies – it just hooks you in as the deep, heavy riffs try their utmost to wreck your speakers!

“Crooked Path” opens with a nice solid and constant bassline; giving the track a backbone to hold the track together as the vocals cry out and those riffs keep coming, building on the melody. The standout here are the vocal harmonies-unexpected, but fitting in nonetheless.

Throughout the album it becomes apparent that their blending of the ‘heavy’, cleverly masks the melody – by this I mean the energy hits you. Your heartbeat rises and you feel the power. But through this brutality the melodies are working their way through you. This is perfectly shown with “Reborn” as the melodies come through and the vocals shift between the melodic and clean, to a more guttural delivery and back again. This vocal shift is heard again on “Echoes Of Strangers”. A simpler, but harder hitting track.

Opening with a deep down hook that at higher volumes will make your fillings rattle, “Shatter” opens up. And while on the surface it’s a punchy number, interestingly it feels like there might be a Southern twang hiding under it’s punchy rhythm; (maybe this reviewer is just losing it!).

“Ascension” is a catchy little number-again the bassline is there ready to reel you in. But it is not just the bass; the lyrics and vocal delivery, and the riffs – it’s all in there.

“Dystopia Rising” is the curveball of the album, a gentle and melancholic piano piece. Almost cinematic, it leaves you wondering what would happen if they blended this into their “normal” sound?

No time to consider that last thought, as “Utopia” explodes into your ears! Almost in retaliation to “Dystopia Rising” it hits, and it hits hard. A regimented vocal delivery, a clipped guitar delivery underpinned by punch drum work in places helps to nail the track into you, especially as the vocals turn gutteral. You feel that “Utopia” is about to consume you, and in no way is that a good thing!

Closing the album is “Solace In Memories”, and while not as aggressive as the tracks which preceded it, it is a superb and well orchestrated end to the album. Taking the edge off of “Utopia” it brings your heartrate back down to a normal level, with its more gentle delivery. It seems to be the perfect offset; along with “Dystopia Rising” it shows that there is more to these guys than the obvious. And while their passion is obviously hard rocking Metal, their talents could turn out to be more than meets the eye.

The thing that surprised me the most was how fast this album plays through. The tracks are not short, averaging about 3 minutes at a guess; but before you know it you are reaching for the play button. This is good and bad! First off you just get immersed in the music, and if you are reaching for the play button it has to be a good thing for the artist. However, it can leave you wanting more. And throughout the riffs and thunderous drum work, you cannot but help tap your foot or nod your head in time to the rhythm. A basic acid test for any Metal track!

Now where is that pay button…

And if you want more, check out the making of video…

Line Up
Dan Carter – Bass
Aaron Foy – Guitar
Phil Smith – Guitar
Rob Hadley – Drums
LC – Vocals

Track Listing
Master’s Call
Master Of The Game
Crooked Path
Echoes Of Strangers
Dystopia Rising
Solace in Memories


Words by Jon.