The Algorithm/Tyler Mae
October 30, 2014The Bodega, Nottingham

It’s no wonder that live music sometimes struggles to thrive in the darker months in this country, as tonight’s show is unfortunately plagued by a rather lacking turnout, which doesn’t in any way reflect the quality of the line-up on offer. As a mere handful of spectators awkwardly huddle in the middle of the intimate venue like infant penguins seeking warmth, Tyler Mae refuse to fall at the hands of the lacklustre crowd numbers by performing a set laced with cutting edge quality. Their fusion of disgruntled, angst driven hip hop with bass heavy grooves manages to yield a sound which penetrates the expectant boundaries of aggression and boasts a worthy attempt at melodic prowess as a welcome bonus.
Although it’s hardly an atmosphere to savour, their delivery is genuinely enthused at times and you can’t help but wonder what they would be capable of in front of a larger and engaged audience. Both vocalists feed off each other with creditable flow and charisma to allow the outfit to deliver a seamless offering of distinctly delivered hip-hop delights. Judging by the likes of the anthemic “Warriors” and “Zlatan”, Tyler Mae are set to turn more than a few heads next year, so keep an eye out for an outfit who are as fresh as the prince of Bel-Air.
Following the release of two stunning albums, The Algorithm continue to show that their highly unique sound and powerful live performance is capable of captivating almost anyone in their path to success. Initially emerging on his own, mastermind Remi Gallego sets the tone by flooding the venue with the fluctuating sounds of endless filter tweaking, before drummer Jean Ferry injects his impeccable percussive qualities into their pioneering display. As the almost machine-like intricacy of the oscillating patterns and math-metal inspired beats coincide, the result is a sound far from the likes of any other artist. Delivered with intense live filtering and breakdown infused guitar work by Remi alongside his counterpart’s unfathomable rhythm, the likes of personal highlight ‘Trojans’ create an instrumental onslaught captivating enough to render vocal requirement obsolete.
Despite their sound wandering far from commercial convention, their rendition of Daft Punk’s “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger” puts the cherry on top of a virtually faultless performance which delivers spellbinding presence. Their set is a dynamic masterpiece; boasting a fusion of percussive styles and instrumental genres within metal inspired electronic music, such as technical death metal, drum and bass, house, trance and many subtle hints of others. Remi Gallego has truly spawned a vision which will see his name highlighted amongst those who have given birth to sub genres which defy the standard expectations of any experimental tangent to the main musical genres, which unlike his, ultimately fade into the background. The Algorithm are not only breathtaking in their material, but seamless rulers of the momentous quality they possess. Utterly stunning.
Catch The Algorithm back at The Bodega on tour with The Qemists – 6th March 2015.
Check here for full details.
Words By our Nottingham Correspondent George Fullerton.