CD: “Digital and Hostile” by Manumit

September 2, 2014 Off By Jon

Well it does what it says on the tin. Blending some fairly aggressive synth work with hardcore vocals, and you get what is almost the essence of this album. It hits the spot hard, and then it throws you a curveball. “Do The Right Thing” is the perfect example of this. Opening with the shouted aggression blended to clean vocals and hard beats. Do you get many mosh pits to synth music? (yes you do)

“Everything Changes” takes a slower stance; beats still hit hard, and increase for rhythm – but there is also aggression – the more guttural vocals just in the background like an alter-ego waiting to explode, (oh, and a few bass drops).

“Your Body Giving Up” is the real curveball – those rich female vocals floating over the synthetic backdrop, and even when you think the track will explode; it keeps it all together with the only hint of explosive aggression being your pre-conception of what has come before.

As gently as it arrived ‘Your Body Giving Up’ goes, and the hard-hitting sound that started off the album is back with full force as ‘Can You Hear Us?’ pounds out of your speakers. In short, yes we can hear you!

“Abuse Of Power” starts off slow so you just know it will explode, and true to form it does – blending the screaming vocals with clean. The beats and vocals pummel you. Check it out! Just make sure your speakers are up to 11.

Throughout this album they have kept their ability to avoid genre labeling – although tagging themselves as Rock is a good place to start! The album has a strong sense of the Electronic and Metal/Hardcore, but it is blended with guitar and drums that at times you can’t tell the crossovers. The vocals scream out as the bass drops; the drum machine battles the drummer, and the synths join forces with the guitar. This is an onslaught.


It would be easy drawing comparisons to Pendulum, and a few others – but even in those instances Manumit have still produced an album they can proudly call their own, and this praise also goes to the production quality. This is a strong evolutionary step from there previous EP “F*ck Genres, Love Music”, and one of the closing sentiments to that review still applies to this album;

“…there is willingness to bring in anything, and that makes this…stand out ”

For so few words in this review, this album got played a lot!

The album is due out on 1st September, and as ever this will be available digitally just about everywhere! There will also be a DVD available with interviews and videos.

Line Up (live)
Manumit – Vocals, guitar, keys, and samples
Skullfunk – Vocals, Screams, and MC
Larusso – Guitars
Bandit – Drums

Track Listing
Walk Away
Do The Right Thing
Everything Changes
When I’m Gone
Your Body Giving Up
Can You Hear Us?
Abuse Of Power
The Passing Of Nothing


Words by Jon.