EP: “This Human Error” by Foreign Skies
August 3, 2014
All the way from Glasgow comes Foreign Skies with their ambitious debut EP “This Human Error”. Describing themselves as Post/Rock, you get the feeling they are aiming slightly higher and further than just that pigeon hole.
The EP opens with the very cinematic soundscape “Swells”, which eases you into “These Hills” which itself grows and musically, swells up as they remain gentle and persistent throughout the ‘swells’. The guitars take a slight side step as the track is led by the drums during the verses, whilst the guitars join the foreground during the chorus.
“Piste” has a quirkier more punchy rhythm that hooks you in, while the guitars manage to maintain a soaring quality between those punchier segments. While “Go Forth and Destroy” despite its title; is a gentle track with the guitar work washing over you, and the percussion gently adding depth to the proceedings.

The EP shoots high, and pretty damn near nails it. With its cinematic soundscape fused with the Rockier elements and at times experimental vibe, taking you on a journey of escapism. Is this not what music should do? There is a persistent feel that there is an underlying power waiting to burst out, and yet it is kept in check, especially on “Go Forth…”. My only critiscism is I would like to have had slightly stronger vocals. This is not a reflection on Jamie’s capabilities, or his delivery on the EP, but perhaps one more aimed at post-production. But this is a personal opinion, and not one that all might feel when they listen.
“This Human Error” is available now from BandCamp and is well worth checking out.
Line Up
Jamie Coltart – Vocals/Guitar
Calum Strain – Bass
Kevin Hanson – Percussion
Track Listing
These Hills
Go Forth And Destroy
Words by Jon.