EP: “Forget Everything and Run” by Summer Drive Home
July 11, 2014
Summer Drive Home’s debut effort “Forget Everything and Run” prompts a response to a disturbing realisation. The immediate impression of the EP is that the production strays miles from being labelled as “glossy”, and sadly I can’t help but worry that this release will only go so far because of it. Why is it that our current expectations for alternative music rely on a level of production which strips the band of any genuine performing credit?
Luckily, this reviewer won’t be fooled by our generation’s tendency to only accept those who use extreme pitch correction and quantised instrumentation. Opening with ‘This is Purgatory’, the soaring tones of former This Fall vocalist, Jamiee Thompson counter the lack of gloss to the record’s production. Boasting an emphatic chorus, first impressions for this band seem bright.

It’s the bare quality of their sound which offers such comfort, as the tender emotions of the band’s melodies massage the mind. Admittedly, the opening track happens to be the highlight of the release, but the recurring fusion of post hardcore and pop punk elements throughout is certainly intriguing.
“Forget Everything and Run” may not offer anything particularly new in musical terms, but the moments of captivating quality beckon promise for future releases. Expect exciting prospects for this outfit once they’ve mastered the live circuit and perfected their craft.