EP: “Creatures Of The Night” by The Dead XIII
July 7, 2014
Every now and then, like fashion, things come back around. There seems to be a growing number of acts with a horror influence – some are cheesy, some are more theatrical than substance, and then there is “The Dead XIII”…
With a Rock/Metal sound, lyrics fresh from the darker side of life, and vocals that are, for me; closer to some of the older Goth and Goth/Metal acts. You are in a for an adrenaline-fuelled rush as the riffs kick in while the vocals pause for breath.
“Stake My Date” kicks off proceedings, and after an atmospheric opening it kicks in with a dark Rock ‘n’ Roll feel as Kurt tells you he might “Stake My Date” .
“Stage Fright” opens more sedately as the [classic] organ sound washes over you, almost in a Hammer Horror feel, but slowly goes awry as the guitars kick in supporting the rhythm. The second half containing some killer riffage, whilst Kurt’s muddied vocals just capture the horror feel.
I can’t help but think of Lordi when listening to “Monster Rehab”, not because of the sound but just the whole monster and horror vibe. This track is a little more laid back, until the vocals change to a more guttural Screamo feel, but even this is short-lived and refrained; fitting in with the steady guitar rhythm. With everything exploding as that guttural screams kicks in, and even some electronic jiggery pokery – just to keep you on your toes! Closing with “Army Of The Dead”, the tempo is upped and kicks out, and the vocals are a little more punchy.

Once the four tracks have finished, you just have to listen again to make sure you have heard what you just thought you heard. it would interesting to see if they can pull off a whole album and maintain this level of quality. There is no single standout track on this EP, but it is consistent and does what you expect. Hopefully there is an album in the pipeline, but it will have to punch a little higher to flesh out 10 or more tracks. Either way, a great debut EP.
Due out in July this EP will sit proudly on the shelf; and if you own a copy of the film “Army Of The Dead” you can bin it, as this is a far superior product!
Line Up
Kurt Blackshard – Lead vocals
Symon Lee – Rhythm Guitar/vocals
Paul Ryan – Bass
Spike Owen – Drums
Ste Mahoney – Lead Guitar
Track Listing
Stake My Date
Stage Fright
Monster Rehab
Army Of The Dead
Words by Jon “nearly finished the Basket Case Trilogy”.