EP: “Cocaine Skank” by King Canute
July 7, 2014
Bursting out of Guildford comes King Canute with their blend of Punk Rock, attitude and synths – all leading to a unique hard Rock sound. Opening the EP is the title track and it hits you with a strng guitar riff and punching rhythm, and vocals spiked with attitude. Next up is “Drive” it’s an interesting track, somehow reminded me of the 80’s – not sure why? It has a sound, a feel, that seems slightly anachronistic. The synths are there but somehow not dominating, supporting the guitars as the drums punch out.
The tempo is turned up for “Trash Talk”, along with venomous lyrics punching with attitude. The guitar work continually pushes you along, and no doubt a great live track with its energetic and infectious rhythm. Possibly the stand out track for this listener. While closing proceedings is “Hellmates” a more distorted guitar feel, with rhythm that for lack of a better phrase; bounces along! The vocals have more of a sneering approach which offset the guitars perfectly as they ask the listener “what do you believe in?”.

This is a great EP that has plenty of edge whilst remaining dynamic. A superb blending of instruments which not only give it a great sound, but one that stands out – plus it can be easily played over and over. This is one that has been on repeat.
The EP is due out on 1st September – make a note in your diary!
Line Up
Johny “JC” Lett – Bass/vocals
Chris Woollams – Drums/vocals
Track Listing
Cocaine Skank
Trash Talk
Words by Jon.