CD: “Last Tangle In Paris” by Ministry
July 27, 2014
What we have here is a live album, and after all these years; through the highs and lows (quite literally on both counts), it is good to hear that Al can still put out a gig that packs a punch. Not just physically like a punch in the face, but also to critique the industry, politics, and just about anything else that pisses him off.
Now, for those readers who have not heard of Ministry, they are a band that in the late 80’s helped to shape and form Industrial Metal through the use of anything that gave them the sound needed (2 drummers? Synths? You got it.), all underpinned by an aggressive Metal backdrop unsurpassed at the time, usually punctuated with samples and dark imagery. Over the years the sound has moved closer to Thrash Metal, but still possessing that dark nature and use of electronics, whilst the guitars just make your ears bleed.
This offering comes from the 2012 “DeFiBrilLaTouR” tour, specifically recorded in Chicago and opens with ‘Ghouldiggers”, for which Al screams out “I’m Not Dead Yet” rallying the crowd into a frenzy – punctuated with a phone call between himself and a secretary, as he tries to get hold of his manager. A fitting start to the set to show that there is plenty of life left in him.

With the crowd warmed up the barrage of “No W” hits you – a constant stream of hi-speed drumming, and possibly one of the fastest choruses out there, all coupled with the tirade against a certain “Dubya”. This track sets the tone for the rest of the set as fast guitar work, and continual powerful, fast-paced drums keep the anger and energy up.
With a mixture of old and new each track packs a punch and plenty of energy. The attack on George Bush in “No W”, through to the older classics that close the set. It would have been nice to have heard “Stigmata”, but this show has a good range from the back catalogue.
Being described as the last live Ministry performance, this is one to get if you are a fan. It captures their more recent sound well, whilst keeping the aggression. Of course many bands lately say no more, only to come back a few years later with a new album or tour. We can but hope we see more of Ministry.
“The Last Tangle In Paris” was released on 7th July.
Tracks (as reviewed)
No “W”
Senior Peligro
99 %ERS
Life Is Good
The Last Sucker
Psalm 69
New Word Order (N.W.O.)
Just One Fix
Words by Jon “I lost my wallet and train ticket once crowd surfing at Ministry while they played N.W.O. at Brixton Academy on their first UK Tour”.