May 27, 2014Mr Kyps, Poole

Standing tall amongst the chart toppers can only last for so long, but Klaxons must not be belittled for their patches of fame, as tonight’s sell out atmosphere proved that this band is very much alive. Following the overwhelming success of their debut release, upcoming third album ‘Love Frequency’ will be a hopeful gateway back to their previous heights following a return to the airwaves and a reminder of just how much we love this band.
Emerging to the expectant screams of their fans, Klaxons burst on stage with a look of purpose and surging confidence, which instantly catalyses an unholy response for opener “Atlantis To Interzone”. Their rave infused indie rock anthems sounded, quite frankly, enormous, with the unforgettable “Golden Skans” prompting a passionate sing along with the stunning vocals of James Righton.
Buoyant front man, Jamie Reynolds led a vehement display, showing obvious pride to be performing in his home town and making various dedications, including an impromptu, crowd-constructed archway for his old friend to walk through, who was set for a wedding anniversary in the near future. A key reason as to why Klaxons may be relishing their comeback could be due to the excitement surrounding their upcoming album, as the likes of “There Is No Other Time” and “Show Me a Miracle” provided a healthy reason to be expectant of a bright future for the already well established outfit.
Closing with the unforgettable “It’s Not Over Yet”, the band leave with Cheshire Cat grins across their faces and an army of fans leaving with one important message; Klaxons are back. They may occasionally wish that they could transport themselves back to the days when they were the talk of the town, but judging from the genial atmosphere, energy and quality of their performance tonight, it seems that this band aren’t anywhere near the finishing line.
Set List
Atlantis To Interzone
Children Of The Sun
There is No Other Time
Gravity’s Rainbow
Vally Of The Calm Trees
Twin Flames
Golden Skans
Show Me A Miricle
Invisible Forces
Love Frequency
Rhythm Of Life
New Reality
It’s Not Over Yet
Words By George “Ton Up” Fullerton
Pictures & Videos By Dave Chinery(Chinners)