EP: “2nd Nature” by Brockley Forest
May 24, 2014
We at RR have had the pleasure of listening to the latest EP by Brockley Forest. This EP has a more chaotic feel, an almost destructive vibe to it’s energy. From the vocals, through to the distorted guitar. This is prevalent on the second track “Destroy The Room” as the guitars wind from a predominantly distorted sound, through to screaming.
“Run For Your Money” opens the EP with it’s punctuated guitars and bass – and through the distortion the vocals demand you actually Run For Your Money! With a sharp edge they grab your attention. Not the expected start, but one that immediately hooks you in. As the track winds down it takes on a more laid back finish, before a climatic ending while the closing track ‘Blame It On The Weather’ takes a different turn. Opening with spoken lyrics that are repeated throughout the track, they have an accusatory edge – methinks there is more going on here than someone’s opinion about weather! The lyrics are brief, and the music takes more of the foreground than the other tracks, for which the guitars give a slight nod to the Southern feel of their first EP.

This EP has a rough edge to it (the clue being their lo-fi approach to Rock!), and it is this rough edge they are carrying off with ease. This EP is a departure from their first with this rougher edge. I missed the Southern feel off their first EP, but ‘2nd Nature’ builds on the darker side of their debut. It certainly shows an interesting direction they are taking, and their lo-fi Rock hits the mark perfectly. And all from a duo! As ever, when is an album coming out???
Available 2nd June from their website and iTunes.
Track Listing
Run For Your Money
Destroy The Room
Blame It On The Weather
Words by Jon.