Details Below
March 22, 2014The Sloop, Poole

I was heading out for a live music fix on Saturday night when Details Below’s Bailey Robinson let me know about a last minute gig at The Sloop, so I thought I would go along and have a listen.
A quick bit of Facebook research told me that this is a young, five piece band which is quite the family affair (Bailey is related to the drummer and guitarist), with a female singer. When my friend and I arrived at the Sloop, I was a bit disheartened to see that it wasn’t very busy. However it was really interesting to see the range of gear on the stage. These guys, young or not, clearly have all the equipment they could need.

I was quite surprised to hear that Details Below had the whole night to themselves, especially as some older, more established local bands would struggle to carry off a whole night of performing. However, Details Below are essentially a covers band, although they did showcase some of their own songs as well, so they weren’t lacking in material either.
They took to the stage with a Fall Out Boy track “Sugar We’re Goin’ Down” which turned out to be a surprisingly good cover. I was even more surprised when the second track was Muse “Plug In Baby”. If you’re not familiar with this masterpiece (and if not, why not?!), it’s not the easiest song to play, but they pulled it off admirably.
A few more people drifted in to the pub and each song drew a smattering more of applause than the last as the band churned through a solid set, including the INXS classic “Never Tear Us Apart” and Foo fighters “Best of You”, but the highlight for me was a great cover of Fleetwood Mac’s “Go Your Own Way”. Maria has a strong voice, although we did struggle to hear it over the instruments at times; I would have liked her vocals to have been just a little louder.
There wasn’t much in the way of crowd interaction, however this set was a credible performance from ones so young and what they lack in experience was made up for in enthusiasm with their instruments; Maria looked to be a comfortable front-woman, at home on the stage. I also liked the somewhat eclectic mix of songs, too. Experience comes with playing gigs and I would like to see Details Below again, as unfortunately I could only catch the first half of their set.
We had a chat with some proud family members before we left and it made me feel really old to hear that exams are approaching for them, but once that’s out of the way, I suspect a slew of gigs will follow a bit later this year – catch them if you can.
Line up
Maria Green – vocals
Mat Woods – bass guitar
Bailey Robinson – guitar
Sam Pringle – drums
Tom Pringle – guitar
Set List
Sugar We’re Goin’ Down
Plug In Baby
Best Served Cold
Never Tear Us Apart
Best Of You
Gold On The Ceiling
Red Morning Light
Go Your Own Way
ThatÃs What You Get
Never Underestimate
Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor
Words and pictures by Vikkie Richmond.