CD: “Go Forth And Multiply” by Well Hung Heart
March 15, 2014
Opening with a storming track that has one of the best videos I have seen is “Big Plans”. This Rock-fuelled track has great vocals, great catchy driving guitars and bass. Did I mention the video? Just watch it…
As the album progresses it takes on a harder grittier Punk Rock feel as the vocals have rougher edges than the opening.
Next up is “Black Lightening” with its heavier feel; opening with a whining guitar but quickly backed by a solid rhythm, which drops off almost immediately as Greta’s vocals entice you in. This is soon smashed as the energy screams in and the tempo picks. Swaying between the more laid back verses and the harder and harsher choruses she screams out “Black Lightning”.

“Rewind” reminds me of a shoegazey ’80’s-90’s disillusioned pop song, the guitar supporting the vocals almost in a repetitive fashion. It lacks the bite and anger of the tracks that came before, but it has a catchy attractive feel. ‘I Don’t Get Enough’ ups the ante with a rolling rhythm that builds throughout, culminating in an attitude as the lyrics are almost spat out with venom.
“Sweet” is more sultry as the guitar does it’s thing, and the vocals just flow beautifully. Yet ‘Made For Leaving’ is a bit of a curveball on the album, and a delicious track-almost a ballad. Definitely the slowest track on the album, but not what you would expect. And what a voice!
“Corporate Bitch” and “Rehab Is For Rich Kids” close the album on an aggressive feel. Both pummelling the listener, the first primarily through the vocals, and the last on its subject matter, with vocals being delivered in a more narrative style. Not to mention the venom in the subject matter.

“Big Plans” and its video, drew me into this album. It is a fairly polished track, and possibly the most easy track of the bunch to get sucked into, that and the video which is brilliant in concept and execution. Ranging from Punk attitude to some carefully crafted vocals, with songs ranging from Rock, through Blues and Rock ‘n’ Roll thrown in for good measure, it is easy to be confused. But on each subsequent listen you can see that these guys are carving their own niche mixing all these elements. With a baseline that is almost down and dirty; not to mention addictive, the album has a rough feel to it, one that I feel is by design. There is an underlying feel of rebellion; a two fingers to the norm, from the donuts in the video through to “Rehab Is For Rich Kids” – these guys have an axe to grind.
Line Up
Greta Valenti – Vocals, Keys, Lyrics, and melodies
Robin Davey – Guitars, Bass, and Riffs
Phil Wilson – Drums, percussion, and backing vocals
Track Listing
Big Plans
Black Lightning
I Don’t Get Enough
Made For Leaving
Corporate Bitch
Rehab Is For Rich Kids
Words by Jon.