Saturday Sun/The Plastic Dots/Si Genaro
January 11, 2014Winchester Pub, Bournemouth

Saturday Sun have been causing quite a stir in the media for quite a while now with their gentle melodies, stunningly powerful vocals and top class songwriting.
This month sees the release of their much anticipated debut album “Orixe” which despite being a long time in the making has already been given some very positive reviews from their fans, who have the opportunity to listen prior to the release. Tonight the band kick off their 7 date UK Tour in their home County at The Winchester in Bournemouth. They have added two well respected local musicians to their live line-up in the form of Allan Varnfield on drums (The Longest Day/Wasted Generation) and on bass Toby Fitton (Neon Abeo/City Of Echoes).
There are two support acts lined up to entertain the audience before the main attraction arrives on stage. The first of these is Si Genaro; a local legend in these parts who was rumoured to have dated singing superstar “Rihanna”. Tonight though Si Genaro does what he does best by entertaining the crowd with a collection of some original material in his own very extroverted way. He keeps things simple with just an old well- loved acoustic guitar and a voice which has a uniquely brilliant quality about it. His in-between song banter is hilarious with random anecdotal ramblings a plenty. Si ends his set with a beautiful song “Touch of You”; which the vast majority of the audience seem to enjoy, getting him some well deserved applause as he leaves the stage.
Next up we have a trio of guys from Wimborne called “The Plastic Dots”, who have recently formed after disbanding their previous band “Vlad”. The band is made up of Ben Lowe (Guitar/Vocals), Alfie Tyson-Brown (Bass/Vocals) and Thomas Moore (Drums/Vocals). Their sound has a uniquely Indie feel to it with clean vocals and delicate guitar melodies. The influences are not clear but if you listen closely you can hear a scattering of 90’s Shoegaze and a bit of Psychedelia. Despite this being only their 3rd or 4th gig they are confident on stage and very well rehearsed, with all three of them playing well in a nice, harmonizing unison. The set comprises of about half a dozen original songs, some of which are only at the genesis of their lives without even working titles. There are a couple of songs that really stand out; “Slowdance” and “Velvet Cafe”, which both really hit the spot warming up this crowd nicely for the headliners.
Having seen Saturday Sun many times already, myself and many other fans here tonight were very intrigued to see what bringing in the new musicians would mean to this band and how their sound would be affected. The band manage to answer every question within only a few minutes of stepping onstage. Kicking off with “Peaked” from the “Seagull” E.P. the band show a certain greater depth that they have possibly lacked in the past. The previous beautiful elements of Alex’s haunting vocals; coupled with Billy’s gentle uplifting guitar melodies are still there, but with the new rhythm section there is a distinctly heavier feel to the band’s sound. They perform songs like “Seagull”; that when heard for the very first time, you will feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Also, there is an outstanding version of “Borderline” with unmatchable vocal qualities.
As well as songs from the new album there are three (as of yet) “untitled” new songs which take the band off in a completely different direction, that seemed to go down really well with the Bournemouth audience. At the end of their set the band try to leave the stage but the audience demand more and Alex performs a nice impromptu version of “Le Monge Snail” from the “Deepest Woods” EP. Tonight Saturday Sun have shown a great; new different side to themselves, living up to all the hype leading up to the album and tour. This band have put together all the right ingredients to make audiences sit up and listen. With a little luck; along with lots of hard work, we may well see this band go on a journey which will lead to success.
Set List
Something In The Woods
Untitled (New Song 1#)
I Want A Life for You
Untitled (New Song 2#)
Untitled (New Song 3#)
Le Monge Snail
Band Links
Words, Videos & Pictures by Dave Chinery (Chinners).