December 6, 2013The Anvil, Bournemouth

The Massachusetts mob crashed down on the Anvil like a giant metal hammer, pounding the audience into a sweaty mass of bruised and battered flesh.
It’s the second night of their European tour and you can tell they are itching to show everyone a fucking heavy show. They haven’t played a club this small for a long time and at first seem a bit taken aback by the close quarter moshpit but after a couple of songs they are well up for it and as the show went on it got better and better.
The epic brutalness of the band cannot be understated and they rode the wave of audience adulation like professional surfers taking on the 50 year storm. Drenched in sweat, the band and crowd alike rampaged through the show until the last notes sounded out and as I left the venue I congratulated the drummer who was standing by the bus stop literally wringing his t-shirt out causing a massive puddle at his feet – always the sign of a good night!
Watch It Burn
The Great Dividers
This Lying World
Arise the War Cry
Last Wish
Eyes of Black
Sanctity of Brothers
Crow Killer
Black Hearts Now Reign
My Will Be Done
Words by Dan O’Gara