EP: “I Accept You” by Kissed By Kate
December 20, 2013
Formed in the spring of 2011 Bournemouth alt/rock band Kissed By Kate have just released their 2nd EP at a recent show at the Winchester.
The EP in question is not just any local band EP as a considerable amount of effort, cost and planning went into the recording of it. The band took themselves off to Longwave studios in Cardiff for a whole week and used the world renowned music maester Romesh Dodangoda. Romesh has worked with bands such as Motorhead, Funeral For A Friend, Kids In Glass Houses, Twin Atlantic and Bullet For My Valentine. The EP was all written from personal experiences and the band don’t mind telling you that their influences come from a huge diverse mix of their favourite bands such as Rage Against The Machine, Foo Fighters, Muse and Queens Of The Stone Age. The band have carved out their own unmistakable; hard-hitting, to the point sound and with the help of their new drummer Craig they have taken large steps forward since their debut EP “Ninety One Days On”. The EP open’s with “Make You Mine” which features melodic twin guitars, coupled with Steve’s varied well-delivered passionate vocals. The next “Sets In The West” is a truly moshtastic song that with it’s driving guitars would be the one that starts off a hot sweaty moshpit at any one of the band’s live shows.

“Can’t Understand Not Trying” is a song the band wrote while having relationship problems. It’s used as a great creative outlet to put their feelings into, something that I’m sure everyone can really relate to. The final cut “Dearney” is a song that the band have used to pay tribute to one of their friends Luke Freeman, who tragically took his own life a few years ago. The song uses very strong and passionate lyrical content to tell how the band dealt with the loss of such a close friend, as well as injecting some of Luke’s personality into the song. For example: there are references to “Hanging Up Your Gloves” as he was a keen amateur boxer. The main thing that the band wanted to relate was what a positive effect Luke had on everyone he met and that he is really missed by each and everyone of them. To pour out such emotion in a song like this is very difficult to do, however “Kissed By Kate” have done a sterling job and I am sure from what the band have produced here Luke’s family will be more than honoured that he will be always remembered. The band have recorded a piece of work they can be more than proud of. They may have had some help from someone at the top of their game in the music business, but he would have to have had some considerable talent to work with in the first place. Kissed by Kate are still only in the genesis of their career with I’m sure have much more to give yet.
Line Up
Brendan – Bass
Jack – Guitar
Tom – Guitar
Steve – Vocals
Craig – Drums
Track Listing
Make You Mine
Sets In The West
Can’t Understand Never Trying
Band Links
Contact kissedbykate@hotmail.co.uk
Words By Dave Chinery(Chinners)
Video By EOS Films