EP: “Whispers Of Chaos” by Valfader
October 2, 2013
Rolling some truly huge riffs out of the City of Bath, come the colossal doomsters Valfader. Their new EP Whispers Of Chaos is set to be released on the 25th of October and the four track offering is one almighty plunge into swirling dark rhythms, thundering riffs and towering vocals.
Don’t feel short changed by the fact that there are only four tracks as the shortest one weighs in at 8 minutes and the longest over eleven! Title track Whispers Of Chaos opens proceedings and immediately declares the bands intent with a gentle harmonic intro gradually building into a climatic peak of heavy melodies and excellent musical textures. The unholy riff that kicks off track two, Green Sleeps, steamrolls your brain into mush and the low down and dirty singing throughout the song adds to the sonic battering, making it a standout track for me.

DMT and Sacred Spiral are both over ten minutes long and round the EP off with style. Swirling sludgy riffs entwined with the lowest downtuned bass I’ve heard for a while, come together producing multi-layered musical textures supported by some superb drumming. Valfader are one of the rising stars on the new resurgent Doom/Sludge scene. Check out this release NOW!
Words by Dan O’Gara.