EP: “We’re Not Losing, We’re Just Not Winning” by For All The Wrong Reasons
October 8, 2013
Cracking punk/rock EP from 5 piece For All The Wrong Reasons who have released their debut EP.
Starting in a non-music vein; so forgive me, but this is one of those few bands that have brilliantly intriguing track names-especially the classic title “Who Died And Made You King Of The Zombies”! I also like the cover…
Track names aside, they have a fast-paced Punk Rock sound which gets your feet tapping, and no doubt an active pit at a live show. The music is high fuelled and highly accessible without being cheesy or chart-wannabees, which in this day and age is an interesting feat.

Although describing themselves as “high-octane Power Punks” the music is more rock orientated with the odd hint of metal, but all underpinned with a Punk-rock vibe, not to mention being rather catchy! With some great guitar work and fast paced contagious rhythm, it really hits the spot.
The EP closes with the potentially anthemic “Worn Out” (most boring title) (kidding) you have a track that would undoubtedly sound awesome with a few thousand “screaming at the top of their lungs”.
You know, I think they might just be winning. Worth keeping an eye on, especially to see what a whole albums worth of track names would be like!

Line Up
Alexander Statham – Vocals
Jacob Pointing – Guitar, Backing Vocals
Chris Dunn – Guitar
Aiden De Ruiter – Bass
Lou Coe – Drums
These Past Few Years Haven’t Been So Kind
Who Died And Made You King Of The Zombies
It Always Rains (Except When It Snows)
It’s Not Me With The Problem, It’s Everyone Else
Worn Out
Words and foot tapping, head banging, and cheesy grin by Jon.