CD: “Emporer Chung” By Emporer Chung
October 8, 2013
Hailing from Nottingham, Emperor Chung have delved into the archives of Power Metal and come up with some more power metal!
This release ticks all the boxes: dual guitars, driving bass, galloping drums, high pitched singing, but there is something missing. I can’t quite put my finger on it. Yes, Martin Jackson has a very unique voice but this tends to puts their sound squarely in the love them or loathe them category. Mixing a little Metal, Prog and classic Rock the album wants to be something more than what it is. For me I found that it was one good song out of every three passable ones. They were all delivered with enthusiasm but just kind of washed over me with no real impact and nothing snagged in my brain to hum at a later date.
I found myself thinking about Dream Theatre and just wanting to take Emperor Chung off and put on the masters. I have no doubt that this band will progress but sadly I don’t see this album as being the vehicle to take them to the top.

I would like to see them play in a live setting as I bet they are a completely different animal onstage, without their songs being watered down in a studio environment.
Words: Dan O’Gara