CD: “Cold Summer” by Cold Summer
October 10, 2013
The energy driven post/hardcore group Cold Summer from Wakefield have a new album. The quartet strive to challenge perceptions by playing heavy yet Melodic Punk Rock and Hardcore influenced music, all with a raw edge that could leave you bleeding.
Opening with “Fallen”, the album starts with an energy, that blends screaming vocals with “regular” vocals, giving it that raw edge. “Waiting” comes in two flavours, the second version follows later in the album. Opening with a hard rock guitar sound; as well as blending in a more laid back guitar feel, they throw in some frenetic anger and screamo vocals, producing a bipolar song that just grabs you and does not let go.
“Ships” opens in a more relaxed manner, although still packing a punch without the raw edge, but losing none of the impact. With the drums giving a solid backdrop to both guitar and vocals. The screamed vocals are in there, but very much in the background. Possibly one of the strongest tracks on the album.

“Processed Lives” pulls together everything you have heard so far into a great package. For a split second when the track opened I thought of Fallout Boy, but it was only brief based on the opening drums and bass, and gets the heart pounding.
With “Car Crash” you know you are in for a treat! A catchy tune and there is just something that keeps you hooked; the opening beat, the title, the guitar work, the hard edged vocals? For this reviewer it was the imagery, during the time it takes the car to crash you get through a song…I can imagine the video now…”We are a car crash that is in progress”

This is followed by a more laid-back, almost unplugged version of the earlier track of the same name, “Waiting”. With this version you have a piano from the start that adds depth to the song, making it almost a different song. In fact, my whole view of the album changed when hearing this version.
The short “Wake”, weighing in at just under 60 seconds asks the listener in no uncertain terms “When will we WAKE?”.
Closing with “A Is For Arson” the tempo returns, with it’s catchy rhythm and easily accessible vocals; the screams are briefly hinted at in the background, and this shows another side to the band. One that tells you they can put a more “polished” track together. Now I can’t work out if this is a good thing or not. It shows their versatility and capability, but lacks a certain something from the opening tracks – that rawness. Towards the end of the track though that raw attitude and vocal bursts through, almost as if they could not hold back any longer.
Judging by the energy in some of the tracks, their live show must be exhausting! No holds barred – these guys are coming for you!
(you know even though I have reached the end, still in the back of my mind is the idea that “This is a car crash that is in progress”)
Line Up
Dan Feast – Vocals
Chris Harrison – Guitar
Chris Hepworth – Bass Guitar
Justin Eastwood – Drums
Processed Lives
Car Crash (In Progress)
Waiting (Alternative Version)
A Is For Arson
Download and Stream
Words by Jon.