CD: “Cellar Darling” by Anna Murphy
October 29, 2013
Branching out from Swiss Metal giants Eluviate (I’m keeping it local Chinners!) comes the crazily multi-talented Anna Murphy with her debut album Cellar Darling this November.
The album is a strangely raw, laid-back affair. If metal is not your bag, don’t be put off by the Swiss Metal reference above. Although the album has Rock underpinnings, it takes more of a backseat to that of the alternative feel to the album; as electric guitar and synthesisers all fuse together to give a backdrop to her voice.
Lovelornia has an orchestral feel, and is another of those catchy tracks that gets under your skin and it shows her voice off, in fact it almost comes across with the power to pull off a Bond theme in places. This makes way for the almost ethereal Out of Control, and vocally reminded me of Tina Root in this instance.
With a voice that could be used on a Bond soundtrack; with a hint of Bjork, there is something happening here! And I don’t think it involves a hurdy-gurdy!

Things take a dark turn with the title track Cellar Darling, opening with its piano things take on a subtle vibe; all in keeping with the preceding tracks, but then the lights go out and you’re dragged into a dark world-Down into the Cellar, You might not be coming back out!
While Harley Quinn draws on a lesser known Super Villain; and tied in with some great samples from a better known Super Villian, goes to show a potentially lighter side to proceedings. But yet somehow also deeply personal. Closing the album is Johnny Guitar which offers a raw edge to end the album, and this rawness conveys power. Having just been through the emotional wringer for an hour the closing track just makes sure that nerve is exposed.

There is an elegance that surrounds this album from the piano and the lyrics; to the power from her voice, which she seems to be able to control in subtle ways to get the desired effect. It keeps drawing you in-it might be the rawness. It might be the dark world created from the title track? Anna has perfectly mixed rock, pop, and electronica. I don’t like using the pop tag for something this special, because it usually means that as soon as something becomes popular it loses that spark, that originality. Even more impressive for this day and age is that this all weighs in with 17 tracks at over an hour, none of it felt like filler. I hope that her next release can maintain this quality.

Opening with a brilliant quote that sets the scene and tone for this album, you are given the impression that Anna has put her heart and soul into this body of work. And by the time it closes you know she has. Lets hope that quote does not become a reality for her, because if this album is any indication of what lies ahead for her, then there is going to be some amazing work being produced.
Cellar Darling is available on November 4th on Booya Music Ltd.
Out of Control
Twin Flames
Cellar Darling
Epic Fail
Red Lights
Harley Quinn
Antihero (The End of the World)
Johnny Guitar
Words by Jon.