Fearne/Beth Johnstone/Ninebarrow
August 15, 2013Centre Stage, Bournemouth
Fearne “Songs On Postcards” Album Launch

Centre Stage in Bournemouth is one of Fearne’s favourite venues, and they could think of no better place for their album launch party than here. Front man and songwriter Alex Beds often after writing a new song, pictures the band perform it at this very place. The ambience and atmosphere are just perfect for the style of music that the band create.
The doors opened around 7:30pm and by 8:00pm the place is absolutely packed, so much so that more chairs had to be called for to accommodate the large audience, who have all turned up to see one of Bournemouth’s premier bands.
There are two hand picked support acts designed to warm things up before the main attraction and the first of these is Beth Johnstone, a local girl who has been recently thrilling audiences with some great performances at local venues. A near silence descends on the place as the crowd take in Beth’s finely tuned vocal abilities; which despite seeming slightly nervous, really sound delightful. We are treated to a set of mainly covers which include version’s of songs by “Passenger” and the fantastic “All I Want” by Kodaline, which when finished is greeted by a massive enthusiastic round of applause.
Next up are local award winning duo “Ninebarrow”; made up of Jon Whitley and Jay Labouchardiere, take their inspiration from landscapes and local history. The band create a unique sound which includes some really awe inspiring vocal harmonies that are delivered in a heartfelt passionate way, accompanied simply by a Ukulele. There are songs about the sea and a history lesson about a notorious smuggling gang in a tune called “Hawkhurst”. The duo have no trouble impressing each and every person in the audience, who cannot fail to be moved by traditional-style folk music that is this good.
The wait is over for the main attraction as “Fearne” take to the stage. Without even playing a note they have won over the loyal audience of which most have been with them since the very start, and throughout the period when they were deservedly crowned 2011 Dorset Music Award winners. The great thing about Fearne is their ability to evolve, this new album “Songs On Postcards” is so different to anything else that they have done. Tonight the band ring the changes with a versatile new member Rob “Guns” Bolvin and the bringing back of former member Lee Cuff on Cello. The set comprises a good mixture of tracks including older favourites like “Throw A Stone”, “Closer”, and “Sophie” which was dedicated to bass player Nick who has recently become a father.
The band have fantastic ability to create great tunes coupled with some quality song writing; and throughout the evening especially with the songs from the new album, it is apparent that there is no let up in the band’s strict quality control. There are plenty of highlights including Adam Pulfer’s simply brilliant “Rich Man”, Alex’s solo version of “Colour” and possibly the best track of the evening the personally moving song “Dote On You”.

Fearne have been together in one form or another since 2005, their thoroughly well put together and meticulously rehearsed live sets continue to entertain excited audiences. Tonight though was something really special, all the ingredients were in place for an amazing night which will remembered for a long time to come. The way the bands popularity is going the next show will have to be at a much larger venue.
“Songs On Postcards” Track Listing
Colour Faded Back to Grey
Flu Like Symptoms
Sea of Bills
These Games Were Made for Kids Like Us
Le Ferre
Master Craftsman
Dote On You
Float Your Boat
About Her
Fearnes’ Set List
Sea Of Bills
Coat Song
Throw A Stone
These Games
Rich Man(Adam Solo)
Flu Like Symptoms
Dote On You
Colour(Alex solo)
Master Craftsman
Colour Faded Back To Grey
Band Links:
Words, Pictures & Video By Dave Chinery (Chinners).