CD: “Future Echoes and Past Replays” by Slim Loris
July 31, 2013
Opening with a thumping of drums, and a beat that goes beyond foot tapping (not to mention what sounds like kettle drums), you have a cracking opening to “Future Echoes and Past Replays” called “Fear of Flying”.
With a sound that is sitting somewhere in the indie rock (folk?) camp, but yelling out with the don’t label me vibe. The album has the hallmarks of easy listening, but the kind that refuses to be wallpaper. Describing themselves as having a pinch of melancholy and Americana, they have a great sound that could envelop you, yet you would want to see them perform in a small intimate venue.

Formed in 2009 and this their second album; following on from 2011s debut “Down To Earth”, shows tremendous promise. From the kick start opening through to the piano-led “While I Breathe”; to what seems like a very anachronistic track that screams to me of a byegone era, but I cannot place what it reminds me of. With it’s highly orchestrated feel and vocals,
“Visions Of Tomorrow” has a rougher feel, more solid so to speak and again before you realise it your foot is tapping away. With the guitar work taking you straight off down an American highway with the wind in your hair, is this the stuff Tom Petty listens to?
“Clean As A Whistle” has the great lyric “Clean, clean as a whistle, depending on where the whistle has been”.
When I first listened I enjoyed it, but it took numerous listens for it to sink in; for the personal intimate side to take effect, and then the album became personal. And it is mainly this demand for it to be played and played that has lead to this late review, as the album was released back in May.

It would be easier to try and draw comparisons to other folk rock bands that are doing the rounds at the moment, but these guys have something that sticks with you, something that drags you into their world. They move effortlessly from the simple [but effective] sound of “While I Breathe”, to the fuller sound of “Clean As A Whistle” or “Fear Of Flying”, drawing on a range of instruments as needed and to great effect.
Available from their Bandcamp page for $7 (go have a listen) or iTunes, this is more than a worthwhile purchase, and has accompanied me on numerous trips up and down the motorway! In fact if I had not had all the travelling, this review might have been on time, but I might not have had the chance to get so familiar with it.
Fear of Flying
Head on the Floor
While I Breathe
In Silence
Visions of Tomorrow
I Will Forget
Clean As a Whistle
October in White
Words by Jon.