Lady Winwoods Maggot/Saturday Sun
June 15, 2013Mr. Kyps, Poole

Over the last 10 years or so New Milton’s Lady Winwoods Maggot has to be one of the most consistent of local bands, with their frequent performances around a whole host of local venues on the south coast which have become almost legendary to an army of loyal fans. The band since forming has had a number of ever-changing members revolving around the nucleus of front man Mark Baynes.
Tonight at Mr Kyps the band are going through another regeneration as Kevin Marshall (Drums) and Chris Hopgood (Guitars) said their farewell to the band last week at a final gig at the Wimborne Folk Festival. The new members arrive in the form of Ged Putt (Guitar/Mandolin), and Michael Sidey (moustache and Drums) who both have been through serious amounts of rehearsals to get up to speed for their 1st “Maggot” gig.
Tonight’s support band has been hand picked by the band after impressing on a number of previous outings. Saturday Sun who are from the beautiful Isle of Purbeck seem to have a struggle on the hands with the rather noisy Mr Kyps crowd, who are insistent on talking through the majority of the bands set. After a few numbers containing some really nice low level acoustic guitar work and some really nice atmospheric, haunting vocals they have had enough, and their frustration is vocally shown to the largely unimpressed crowd. The volume is turned up considerably with a cover of Neil Young’s “Heart of Gold” which sounds great done in their very own original style. The band continues with a beautiful song called “Seagull” from their debut EP which shows the guys a little more comfortable and more tolerable of the now listening audience. They leave the stage to polite applause. Having seen this band many times before, this was an off night for them as they are usually capable of much more than their performance tonight.
As Lady Winwoods Maggot take to the stage the welcome from the Mr. Kyps crowd is incredible, with the new members being given all the positive encouragement they need to start their “Maggot” career in style. Tonight the band have brought their very own lighting rig to the Mr. Kyps stage which apparently took half a day to put up-their efforts were clearly worth it as the effects clearly add to the great atmosphere in the place. The trippy electronic intro kicks in the green lasers, bathing the audience in long streams of light and the band kick off their set in familiar style with “Sourwood Mountain”. The band has a massive repertoire of songs to choose from including many great originals, as well as a host of reworked cover versions which always means no one show is the same. The new guys seem really comfortable on stage and Ged really impresses with some particularly intense, effortless guitar work on the song “Buffalohead” giving the song some new fresh energy.
The band keep up a great momentum throughout the one and a half hours on stage with many standout performances of songs, including the ever popular “Chase The Cat”, and also the beautiful “Saints & Angels” from the latest album. The customary and now almost obligatory Saturday night dig at Simon Cowell comes in the form of “The Rise Of Karaoke and the Death of Rock ‘n Roll”. The band try to leave the stage to get in a nice cup of tea before bedtime, but this ain’t gonna happen yet, as the fans are applauding and stomping their feet on the wooden dance floor demanding more. The very enthusiastic audience are rewarded with a string of popular covers including a great new working of “Surfin Bird” made popular recently by US TV “Family Guy”, as well as a rousing version of Tom Petty’s “Free Falling” which includes lots of audience participation especially on the choruses. Once again the “Maggot” rise out of the flames like a phoenix to bring maximum entertainment to all who watch, and with these new guys seemingly working out this well it should be for a long time to come yet!!!
Set Lists
Lady Winwoods Maggot
Sourwood Mountain
Follow Me Up Carlow
Unleash The Dogs
Banjo Hill (The Cropdusters)
Soldiers Joy
Chase The Cat
Old Dan Tucker
O’Keefe’s Slide
Pretty Pretty Once (Dogs D’amour)
Knockin’ On Heavens Door (Bob Dylan)
Saints And Angels
The Rise Of Karaoke & The Death Of Rock n Roll
Billy Tango
Freebird (Lynard Skynyrd)
English Civil War (The Clash)
Surfin Bird/Chicken (The Trashmen)
Free Falling (Tom Petty)
Saturday Sun
I Want to Lie For You
The Walls
Some Thing In The Woods
Heart of Gold (Neil Young)
Lady Winwood’s Maggot
Saturday Sun
Band Links
Review & Videos by Dave “Talkative” Chinery(Chinners)
Pictures by Jon “Badger-cam” Musselwhite