CD: “Triage” by Armature
June 6, 2013
Let us take you on a journey…
Armature’s album Triage provides an insight into the minds of four very hard working and creative musicians, with a broad selection of tracks that are both emotive and imaginative. Every song helps to tell part of a narrative imagined by the band’s front man Andrew McIntosh. As a result, Armature are able to explore some fantastic musical avenues in their songs. Some of the highlights are the chilling guitar melodies to for the backbone for many of the songs. Not only are some of the arpeggios expertly employed, they are joyfully intricate and a pleasure to follow.
There is a refreshing contrast throughout the songs. The clean guitar melodies are matched by some powerful overdriven guitar crunching that gives a really exciting edge to some sections. Most noticeable is track “That Rock in your Chest” for its ability to get all but the most resistant of feet to stomp along with it.
Armature should be commended for their ability transport you to another world. There is something about this music that conjures images of a fantasy medieval world of old. In addition, some of the instrumental parts manage to be extremely emotive, despite the sparse use of vocals.
By creating these long narratives Armature, like many prog metal bands, do run the risk of being boring in places. It’s fair to say that the less attentive listener may tune out in some of the more drawn out instrumental sections. Vocals are few and far between, and although it does add to the mystique that is created, it does sometimes make some of the songs hard work in places. If you are looking for anything catchy or succinct, perhaps look elsewhere.

It’s a bit like the franchise “The Lord of the Rings”; it’s a fantastic piece of creativity that effectively tells a fantastic story. It has a deep and emotive atmosphere and is epic (and I mean that in the true sense of the word) in places. However, you can’t just experience it for a quick thrill or as light entertainment, and it does drag in places.
Nevertheless, its well worth a listen. For fans of prog and experimental metal. Take a deep breath, let yourself go and let Armature take you on a journey…
Words by Stephen Jones.