EP: “Imola” by Armchair Committee
May 7, 2013
Earlier this month saw Bristol based rockers Armchair Committee release their new EP “Imola”.
Now I didn’t think much on the first play, across the four tracks it seemed a little confused. But something kept pulling me back, and then the penny dropped, and it all fitted into place.
Opening with “Boxcutter” you get a full on “fuzzy” rock sound that put me in mind of “Black Hole Sun”, now they do not sound like Sound Garden, but there was a quality present that kept nudging me. From it’s cracking guitar riff through to the solid rhythms. Crecendoing up to it’s climax with retro feel to the proceedings.

This is followed by what I can only describe as the beautiful sounding “Codeine”, which just washes gently over you with it’s calmer guitar work, and gentle vocals. Now it was here I think I first had difficulty, that transition from the harsher “Boxcutter” to “Codeine”. But as you listen to each instrument each track. They say they like to create loud noises in crowds of people – and this is the quiet track that could achieve that.
“To Arms” is an instrumental track that bridges wonderfully well between “Codeine” and the title track “Imola”, now don’t get me wrong it is more than a bridge, or filler track. But a great cinematic transition, that is so smooth it took a few plays of the EP before I realized it was an instrumental!

Closing with “Imola” you are returned to the energy, and distortion that kicked off proceedings. Again the guitar riffs keep coming, bordering on distorted, but holding back with steady energy that keeps flowing. With a one foot firmly in an old school vibe, the other with a modern feel, the track leaves you wanting more, or at the very least reaching for the repeat button.
Part of me says this EP should not work. But my ears tell me a different story. I hope to hearing more form these guys.
The EP was released on May 13th.
Line Up
Tom Hackwell – Guitar and vox
Dave Larkin – Bass and vox
Dan Frost – Drums and vox
To Arms
Words by Jon.
PS – love the bell about 60 seconds into “Boxcutter”, don’t know why, just do!