EP: “Every Weekend” by Monty
May 3, 2013
Although they have only existed for just over a year, Monty have continued to show eons of promise following the release of their second EP “Every Weekend” in their short history as a band.
Their debut release “Call It After This” demonstrated collaborative qualities hinting towards the surging might of Twin Atlantic, the indie Cindy aromas of Two Door Cinema Club and smooth vibes of The Temper Trap. This time round, the same elements remain potent but with an injection of new found authenticity and raw energy shining out as the defining quality of this new record.
Their diverse range of influences provides a platform for experimentation, as the sinister bass line towards the end of opener “Glass Jaw” boasts a grunge tinted pathway from their expected sound. Their subtle intricacy captivates the fresh value of their instrumentation, as these influences allow Monty to front their own signature sound whilst providing intelligent ducks and weaves for the listener on the odd occasion. As much as a second guitarist would benefit the breakthrough elements of their sound, the power which the trio already possess highlights a worthy excuse to remain where they stand. The gorgeous harmonies during “Keep It Simple” prompt the Temper Trap references of old, whereas ‘Never Again’ expresses a reminiscent quality to it, which unfortunately falters near the end due to the dynamics of the euphoric breakthrough feeling a bit flat. Nevertheless, closing track ‘Who Needs an Education’ shines out as a personal favourite for the EP, as the opening lyric “My friends are animals and I don’t mean the furry kind” can’t help but raise a smile. Their closing statement provides a stadium anthem worthy climax as well as intertwining their tendency to supply hints of grunge to their sound.

Monty have proved through this new release that they are more than ready to unleash something special to the world, but this time round I would advise them to take a deep breath and plunge into working on their debut album. This EP may not boast choruses as big as former EP standouts “Lost In The Flock” and “Mannequin” as well as occasionally showing slightly disjointed instrumental performance, but it shows true class and maturity in their song writing and most importantly, album worthy material. I’ll consider this EP more of an “album sampler” for a massive release yet to come. Monty are my ‘ones to watch’ for 2013, for sure.
Track Listing
Glass Jaw
Keep It Simple
Never Again
Who Needs an Education
Words by George Fullerton.