Rock Regeneration Second Birthday Bash
April 13, 2013On The Rocks Bournemouth

On the 1st March 2013 Rock Regeneration reached our 2nd Birthday and we had a great gig to celebrate in some style with some of our favourite Rock bands from around the local area Voodoo Vegas, Western Sand and States Of Matter.
Our friend local film maker Craig Jones kindly put together a great self produced documentary of the evening which includes some incredible live footage along with interviews of the bands. Also, as per usual with most gigs, we recorded a few videos of our own which can see below.
We would like to thank Craig along with everyone who came along to the event as well as all the venue’s staff, and of course all three bands that performed so well on the night, it was a truly great evening which we are going to find hard to better in 2014….but we are sure hell gonna try!!!
Rock Regeneration 2nd Birthday Bash – Documentary
Voodoo Vegas
Western Sand
States Of Matter
Band Links