Jettblack/Crashdiet/Western Sand/Hollywood Trash
April 28, 2013The Joiners,Southampton

At around 7pm a few people are buzzing around the entrance of The Joiners waiting to see their favourite bands of the evening! At 7.30pm sharp the doors open and a trickle of people make it through to stage area to take their place for the great evening of rock music ahead.
Local lads “Hollywood Trash” are getting themselves ready to kick this gig off and kick it off they did with their own very original style! As they start their set, it soon becomes apparent that they are a great crowd puller. As people hear the music they come in from the bar area for their first energetic song and the atmosphere in the place really changes with the room going from just a few to being quite a crush of people.
Next on are Bournemouth’s “Western Sand”, Who are not as energetic but really please the crowd with songs old and new. A four piece southern rock revival band keep the crowd more than happy, and the room full, Helping to set the stage for more to come. With the crowd still buzzing from Hollywood Trash and Western Sand, It begins to get very hot and sweaty as the anticipation builds for Crashdiet to take to the stage.

“Crashdiet” arrive in Southampton after a tour of the much larger O2 Academy’s for this much more intimate of gigs. After some teasing sounds and restless sighs on comes Eric Young(drums) followed by Peter London(Bass) along with Martin sweet(guitar) as they go into the intro for the first song,the stage is blessed with Simon Cruz, Only outdone by his own bright blue Mohawk! After a face melting, ear ringing, mind blowing set the stage presence of this Swedish sleaze rock band leaves the crowd needing a breather before tonight’s headliners!
Finally on arriving on to the stage are “Jettblack” taking you on a journey back to 80ís and early 90ís with fabulous gravel to his the voice of Will Stapleton , the singer who’s voice compels you to listen. Although very different to the previous band’s they do not fall short by any means. This band performs with precision and the crowd are loving every minute of it as many hands pump the air along with their songs! This has to be one of the best gigs recently the crowd were left wanting more, more, more by all four quality
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Review by Lynda Farrer-Sharp.